- Lou Majaw
Lou Majaw (born 1947) is a
Khasi guitarist popularly known as the "One of the Biggest Fans of Bob Dylan in the North-East [India] ".Born to a poor family, the Majaws could not afford a guitar or a radio. In a friend's house he was introduced to the music of
Bill Haley andElvis Presley , and taught himself the guitar in school. Majaw then moved on toKolkata (Calcutta) where he played in bars and pubs for various groups such as the "Dynamite Boys", "Vanguards", "Supersound Factory", and "Blood and Thunder". In 1966, Lou was introduced toBob Dylan 's work. Inspired by his music, he later organized a "Dylan's birthday concert" inShillong onMay 24 ,1972 . Since then he has organized the concert each year on24 May to pay obeissance to Dylan, with the shows eventually gaining national and international fame.References
*cite web|url=http://www.telegraphindia.com/1040522/asp/calcutta/story_3274914.asp |title=Jingle jangle night of melody |accessdate=2006-07-03 |last=Roy Chowdhury |first=Smita |date=
2004-05-22 |publisher=The Telegraph
*cite web|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5016926.stm |title=Homage to Bob Dylan - Indian style |accessdate=2006-07-03 |last=Biswas |first=Soutik| date=2006-05-25 | publisher=BBC News
*cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/23/arts/music/23dylan.html?em&ex=1214452800&en=46599ace31b1caa6&ei=5070|title=Town in India Rocks (No Use to Wonder Why, Babe)|last=Sengupta|first=Somini|date=2008-06-23|publisher=The New York Times |accessdate=2008-06-24
*cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/arts/20080623_DYLAN_FEATURE/index.html|format = Audiovisual slide show| work = Interview with Prabhat Sawyan|title=An Outpost of Rock|last=Fremson|first=Ruth|date=2008-06-23|publisher=The New York Times |accessdate=2008-06-24
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