Cabañeros National Park

Cabañeros National Park

name = Cabañeros National Park
iucn_category =

caption =
locator_x =
locator_y =
location = Navas de Estena, Retuerta del Bullaque, Alcoba de los Montes, Horcajo de los Montes, Hontanar.
nearest_city = Toledo | lat_degrees =
lat_minutes =
lat_seconds =
lat_direction =
long_degrees =
long_minutes =
long_seconds =
long_direction =
area = 390 km²
established = 20 November, 1995
visitation_num = 75000 aprox.
visitation_year = 2007
governing_body =

Cabañeros National Park (in Spanish: "Parque Nacional de Cabañeros") is a national park in Spain, which falls within two provinces, the northwest of Ciudad Real and the southwest of Toledo.

The park was designated in 1995 and has an area of 390 km².

It is placed in the northwestern quadrant of the province of Ciudad Real, between the Estena and Bullaque rivers, extending the Chorito and Miraflores mountain ranges.

It is the best and largest representation of Iberian Mediterranean forest, with an enormous variety of vegetable species.

The interest of its fauna is notable, both for its number (276 species of vertebrates) and for its high percentage of endangered species. Some of the species to be found there are the Black stork (rare but not threatened), the Spanish Imperial Eagle (threatened), the Eurasian Black Vulture (near threatened), the otter and the Iberian lynx (critically endangered).

External links

* [ Information about Tourism in Cabañeros National Park - Spain, near Madrid]
* [ Official information about Cabañeros]
* [ Information about Cabañeros]
* [ Information about Cabañeros]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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