Pierre Danon

Pierre Danon

Pierre Danon (born 1956) is a French senior corporate executive director, presently an advisor to JPMorgan and a Chairman of Eircom


Danon earned a degree in civil engineering from the École nationale des ponts et chaussées, a Master's in Law degree from the Faculte de Droit Paris II Assas, and an MBA from the Institut Superieur des Affaires (HEC School of Management MBA, Paris) [cite web |url = http://www.idate.org/bio/danon.htm |title = IDATE : Conférences - IDATE 2003 |accessdate = 2008-06-08]


Danon began his career in 1981 as a financial analyst at Rank Xerox. For the next 19 years, he held a variety of roles including general manager of Belgium, general manager of Benelux, Switzerland and Austria, senior vice president of Xerox Production Systems, president of Xerox Channels Group in Rochester, New York and then president of Xerox Europe based in the UK. For the next four and a half years, he served as chief executive of retail at BT Group plc [cite web |url = http://observer.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,6903,1339978,00.html |title = Retail chief hangs up after BT brawl |accessdate = 2008-06-08 |author = Frank Kane |date= 2004-10-31]

On 30 September 2005, "Le Figaro" announced that Danon, then Group Chief Operating Officer at Capgemini, had been interviewed for the President's position of Accor. In a statement on 7 October, CapGemini fired Danon [cite web| url = http://www.capgemini.com/m/en/n/pdf_Capgemini_Communication_about_Pierre_Danon.pdf |format=PDF |title=Capgemini Communication about Pierre Danon] after it was revealed that Accor cofounder and board chairman Gerard Pelisson, who reportedly wanted to give the position to his nephew Gilles Pélisson, told Capgemini about Danon's acceptance of the job. [cite web |url = http://www.europeantechwire.com/etw/2005/10/francebased_cap.html |title = European Tech Wire: France-Based Capgemini Fires COO Pierre Danon |date=2005-10-10 |accessdate = 2008-06-08] . Gilles Pélisson was appointed in October 2005 as CEO of Accor, while Gerard Pélisson was forced to resign from the board [cite web |url = http://www.hotelmarketing.com/index.php/content/article/gilles_pelisson_is_accors_new_ceo |title = Gilles Pelisson is Accors new CEO |accessdate = 2008-06-08]

Danon then joined JPMorgan as a senior advisor, offering clients in the telecommunications, media and technology sectors advice across a range of corporate strategy issues and seek to introduce the firm to new clients [cite web |url = http://investor.shareholder.com/jpmorganchase/press/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=178912 |title = JPMorgan Chase: Pierre Danon Joins JPMorgan As A Senior Advisor |accessdate = 2008-06-08]

In May 2006, Danon was named as incoming Chairman of Eircom, the Irish telecoms company [ [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,2769-2252282,00.html] dead link|date=June 2008]


He is married, and has two sons.


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