256 (number)

256 (number)

Number|number = 256
range = 0 - 1000
cardinal = two hundred [and] fifty-six
ordinal = th
ordinal_text =
numeral =
factorization = 256 = 2^8
prime =
divisor =
roman = CCLVI
unicode =
greek prefix =
latin prefix =
bin = 100000000
oct = 400
duo = 194
hex = 100

256 (two hundred [and] fifty-six, CCLVI) is the natural number following 255 and preceding 257.

In mathematics

256 is a composite number, with the factorization 256 = 28, which makes it a power of two.

It is also equal to:
*16², the square of 16
*4↑↑2 using Knuth's up-arrow notation

Two hundred fifty-six is also:
*The number of characters in the new Braille 8-dot system.
*The number of different values in one byte, which makes it the typical number of different values in each color channel of a digital color image (see color space encoding).
*The number of columns in a standard Microsoft Excel worksheet.
*The year AD 256 and 256 BC.
*The Split-Screen Level in "Pacman"
*The number of counties in Texas.
*The number of characters in Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita".
*An area code in Alabama.
*The number of regular season football games in the NFL.
*The frequency of Middle C in hertz under philosophical pitch.

*The number of the Amarna letter (EA256), which, according to David Rohl, was written by Ishbosheth and contains mentions of King David, Jesse, and Joab.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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