Heights Community Council (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Heights Community Council (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Infobox Settlement
official_name = The Heights Community Council
nickname = "The Heights” / “HCC” / “Clifton Heights” / “University Heights”
motto = "Your Community Voice"

image_caption = St. Monica St. George

mapsize = 250px
map_caption = The Heights
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = United States
subdivision_type1 = State
subdivision_name1 = Ohio
subdivision_type2 = City
subdivision_name2 = Cincinnati
leader_title = President
leader_name = Brad Hawse
leader_title1 = Vice President/ Membership Director
leader_name1 = Matthew Churton
leader_title2 = Recording Secretary
leader_name2 = Vincenzo DiBenedetto
leader_title3 = Treasurer
leader_name3 = Greg Braun
leader_title4 = NSP Coordinator
leader_name4 = Gail Suiter
established_title = Established
established_date = 1987
website = http://www.heightscommunitycouncil.org/

The Heights Community Council is a community council based is the area surrounding the University of Cincinnati. The council is made up by several officers and meetings are held on Stratford Avenue in The Heights Pavilion. The council is tied with the City of Cincinnati through the Neighborhood Support Program as well as a strong supporter of redevelopment projects in the University area including Stratford Heights.

Meetings are open to all residents at 7:00 p.m. every second Thursday of the month, except July through September.

Why Should I Join?

By joining HCC you secure a voice in the community. Meetings are a place to voice concerns about issues in our neighborhood and by being a member you have the voting rights to make the decisions that affect our community.

Another reason to join Heights Community Council is to become a leader in the community. Many students are solely involved on campus. HCC offers a way to become a leader off campus in a position that is highly visible to residents of Clifton Heights, University Heights, and Fairview (the neighborhoods that surround the University campus). It is part of the Greek tradition to give back to the community and this is an immediate way to promote improvements within your own neighborhood.

•Hear reports from city & UC Police. Get involved in Citizens on Patrol.•Educating about ways to get city services to work for you•Working with advisors & planners to revitalize the entire Uptown area. •Work to develop a police substation & increase patrols in order to decrease crime•Plan and conduct beautification projects•Discuss zoning issues and make recommendations to city council•Decide how to utilize Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) funds

Individual membership is $3.00, Organizations & Businesses are $10.00, Household Membership is $5.00, Senior Citizens $2.50. Membership shall be effective for 1-year intervals measured from the time of payment of the dues.

Council Presidents

*1998-1999 President: Nate Beverly
*1999-2000 President: Josh Weitzman
*2000-2001 President: Brandon Grote
*2001-2002 President: Dan Jackson
*2002-2003 President: Jim Landers
*2003-2004 President: Mike Mills
*2004-2005 President: Dave DiLareto
*2005-2006 President: Adam Noe
*2006-2007 President: Adam Noe
*2007-Present President: Brad Hawse

ee also

*Cincinnati, Ohio
*List of Cincinnati neighborhoods
*Cincinnati Communities


The Heights Community Council was formed in 1987. At that time, the Clifton Heights-University Heights-Fairview Community Council (CUF) did not allow the students of University of Cincinnati to join the organization. CUF said that students who lived in the area were not permanent residents and, thus, should not be allowed to vote. Hundreds of paid applications from students (mainly Greeks) were rejected by CUF and any members that were discovered as students were dismissed from the council.

This issue caused so much controversy in CUF that on May 8, 1987 CUF disbanded and the entire executive board resigned. Tom Donnelly, president at the time stated, " The atmosphere is so poisonous in the CUF Community Council meetings that nothing can be done…". After the disbanding of the council, Donnelly believed there was much neighborhood interesting in creating new councils represented by the students, area landlords, and the homeowners.

On May 28th, at a meeting in Tangeman University Center, a group of residents, student-residents, property owners, and area business owners had a meeting and founded "THE HEIGHTS COMMUNITY COUNCIL". On June 1, Greg Braun sent a proposal to the city of Cincinnati for a new community council, "The Heights" Community Council. The area designated for the "Heights" would be the areas composed of student housing, businesses and housing neighboring the University of Cincinnati. On August 3, 1987, Scott Johnson, Cincinnati City Manager, approved the proposal from The Heights Community Council and added the HCC to the official list of community based organizations. Greg Braun, a life-long resident of the neighborhood and UC student at the time, was elected the first president of The Heights Community Council.

The Heights Community Council was formed to promote social welfare. The council's other purposes were to improve communication with the community, to encourage and promote the advancement of the community, and to bring about civic betterment.

Council Bylaws

(as of 2004)


ARTICLE I: NAMEThe name of this organization shall be The Heights Community Council, Inc.

ARTICLE II: PURPOSEThe purpose of “The Heights Community Council, Inc.” shall be to develop interest in the improvement of community safety, health, and civic arts by educating its members in civic responsibilities and providing services for the betterment of the people of the vicinity; and to cooperate with other civic associations and organizations with similar purposes. Such purposes shall exclude engaging in individual political campaigns, and the endorsement of, or financial assistance to, candidates for public office. This section shall not preclude the Council from taking a position on issues.

ARTICLE III: BOUNDARIESThe boundaries of The Heights Community Council shall be the heavily shaded lines as shown on the attached plat map, incorporated herein by reference.


SECTION 1: MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITYThe following shall be eligible for membership:a) Anyone 18 years old or older residing within the boundaries as set fourth in Article III; orb) Any property owner, organization, or business located within the boundaries as set forth in Article III.1. Eligibility may be proven by presentation of a photo I.D. and any one of the following: voter registration, lease/rental agreement, utility bill, driver’s license (listing the applicant’s address within the boundaries), articles of incorporation, tax duplicate, or any other means deemed acceptable by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 2: ESTABLISHMENT OF MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS THEREOFMembership shall be established by:a) Payment of the dues set fourth in Article IV, Section 3, andb) Presentation of proof of eligibility as outlined in Article IV, Section 1, andc) Receipt of valid membership card, andd) Membership shall be effective for 1-year intervals measured from the time of payment of the dues.

SECTION 3: DUESDues shall be as follows:a) Individual membership - $3.00b) Organizations and businesses - $10.00c) Household membership (all eligible residents related by family or marriage living at the same location) - $5.00d) Senior citizens, members 60 years old or older - $2.50


SECTION 1: OFFICERSThe elected officers shall consist of President, Executive Vice-President, Membership Vice-President, NSP Coordinator, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.

SECTION 2: DUTIES OF OFFICERSa) The President shall preside at all meetings of this community council, shall appoint and dissolve committees excluding the Executive Committee, shall perform as liaison between the membership and the public, and shall be the person ultimately responsible for the obligations of all other officers.b) The Executive Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President when the President is absent or wishes to participate in discussion, and shall oversee all parliamentary procedures, records and committees.c) The Membership Vice-President shall keep all records of members, update said records, maintain and issue membership cards, and chair all membership drives.d) The NSP Coordinator shall serve as liaison between the Council and the City over matters respecting funding for the community council, be responsible for submitting all grant proposals, and ensure that funds are disbursed as outlined in any of said proposals to the extent same are funded.e) The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for making a permanent record of the proceedings of the minutes of the meetings, regular and special, and of the Executive Committee.f) The Corresponding Secretary shall receive and distribute to the Executive Committee, complete all necessary correspondence, and be responsible for the publication of the Council newsletter and subsequent mailing of said newsletter to members in good standing.g) The Treasurer shall receive all monies of this Council, keep accurate records of receipts and expenditures, pay out funds only as authorized, and present a statement of account at each regularly scheduled meeting of the membership and of the Executive Committee.

SECTION 3: TRUSTEESThere shall be three trustees of the corporation who shall be chosen from among the elected officers and shall serve five-year terms as trustees upon their selection. Any or all of the trustees may also serve as officers of the corporation.

SECTION 4: EXECTIVE COMMITTEEa) The officers and trustees, together with two members at large elected for one¬ year terms by the membership, shall together constitute the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Greek Affairs Committee and the President of the Clifton Heights Business Association, or their respective designees, shall also serve on the Executive Committee in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.b) The Executive Committee shall:1) Approve the expenditure of any funds of this organization;2) Act, subject to the subsequent approval of the membership, on behalf of the organization when it is impractical for the membership to meet before action is advisable taken by the membership;3) Recommend projects and positions on issues to be decided by the membership;4) Select persons to fill the member-at-large positions on the Executive Committee to the extent vacancies occur;5) Count the election ballots as provided in Article VI; andHave such other duties as are specified elsewhere in these bylaws.

SECTION 5: VACANCIES a) Vacancies of officers shall be filled by general election held in accordance with Article VI within two meetings. In the interim, the President shall be responsible for the obligations of vacated office unless that office is the Presidency, in which case the Executive Vice-President shall assume responsibility.b) Vacancies can be caused by 1) death, 2) resignation, 3) missing three consecutive meetings without excuse, and 4) neglect of duties. Reasons (3) and (4) are to be determined by three-fourths vote of the membership present at a meeting where quorum exists.


SECTION 1: ELECTIONSElections of officers and at-large voting members of the Executive Committee shall be held during the month of November by written ballot distributed to those members who are present and entitled to vote. The candidate for each office receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner. The vote tally will be published not later than 30 days after the election meeting. Ballots will be printed listing formally nominated candidates and allowing space for write-in candidates. Proof of membership and/or presentation of membership card will be required for receipt of ballot. Ballots will be counted be Executive Committee with at least four officers in attendance. Ties will be broken by revote at the next regular meeting with further ties broken by coin toss at the same meeting.

SECTION 2: NOMINATIONSNominations are to be submitted in writing by at least two members in good standing to any member of the Executive Committee at least 30 days prior to election. Write-in candidates may be nominated from the floor at the election if seconded by another member.

SECTION 3: PRE-ELECTION PUBLICITY The names of all candidates who have been nominated through nominations submitted to any member of the Executive Committee at least 30 days in advance of the election shall be disclosed in writing to the membership not less than 7 days before the election.


SECTION 1: REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS There shall be a minimum of six regularly scheduled meetings per year. Additional meetings may be called at the direction of the Executive Committee or by a majority vote of the Council at a regularly scheduled meeting. Notice of special meetings must be mailed to all members in good standing at least seven days prior to said meeting.

SECTION 2: QUOROM Attendance of at least 10 members including 3 officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business at any regular or special meeting.

SECTION 3: VOTING AT MEETINGSa) A simple majority of the members entitled to vote and who are present when quorum exists shall be sufficient to pass any business when not otherwise specified in these by-laws.1) Hand votes shall be at the discretion of the officer in charge.2) The officer in charge shall abstain unless needed to break a tie.b) Except when the entire membership present at a meeting is required by applicable law to be permitted to vote, and except in the case of the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Council, any member’s privilege to vote shall be exercised only at meetings after the first meeting attended by such member subsequent to his/her payment of the current annual dues. This provision shall not apply to members who have successively renewed their membership.

SECTION 4: PROCEDURES Roberts Rules of Order shall govern this Council to the extent same are not inconsistent with these by-laws as now or hereafter amended.

ARTICLE VIII: AMENDMENTS Except for the provisions of Article X, which shall be amendable only by affirmative vote of 90% or more of the entire members, these by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting provided that:a) Presentation of the proposed amendment is made in writing by at least five members in good standing to any member of the Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken;b) Members in good standing have been mailed at least seven days prior to said meeting a complete text and notice that vote is to be taken at said meeting; andc) A quorum is present.


SECTION 1: INVESTMENT OF FUNDS The council shall maintain a commercial checking account in which deposits of all monies shall be made. Other accounts for the deposit or investment of funds may be opened at the discretion of the membership. SECTION 2: EXPENSES All legitimate expenses of the Council and its committees shall be paid with funds drawn on the checking account, such expenditures having been approved by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 3: WITHDRAWAL AUTHOURIZATION Checks shall be signed by two of the following officers: Treasurer and President or Executive Vice-President. Savings withdrawals must be signed by the Treasurer and at least one other officer.

SECTION 4: DISBURSAL ON DISSOLUTION In the event of the dissolution of this Council, any remaining funds after all debts have been satisfied shall be given to a charity chosen by the Executive Committee that is exempt from taxation under the provisions of 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

ARTICLE X: NONDISCRIMINATION1) There will be no discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin or sexual or affectational preference in hiring by this Council.2) No one will be barred from Community Council membership by reason or race, sex, sexual or affectational preference, religion or national origin.3) Subject to the provisions and exceptions stated in City of Cincinnati Ordinance 100-1987, as now or hereafter amended, this Council will extend full membership to all persons who reside within the territorial boundaries of this Council and not discriminate in its membership and voting policies based on the nature of housing quarters chosen by a person as a place of abode.

ARTICLE XI: TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN CORPORATION AND TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, OR EMPLOYEESNo contract of other transaction shall be void or in any way affected on invalidated by the fact that it is between the Council and one or more of its trustees, officers or employees or between the Council and any other corporation, firm, association or other entity in which one or more of the trustee, officers or employees of this Council are trustees, directors, officers, stockholders or otherwise financially interested, provided that: (1) the interest of any such trustee, officer or employee is disclosed or made known to the Executive Committee at which any such meeting there is a quorum of members thereof, without counting the interested members thereof, and the contract or transaction is approved by a sufficient number of votes without counting the vote or votes of such interested members.

ARTICLE XII: INDEMNIFICATIONThe trustees, officers, and employees, together with former trustees, officers and employees, of the Council shall be indemnified by the Council to the full extent permitted by the Ohio Non-Profit Corporation law.

ARTICLE XIII: FISCAL YEARThe fiscal year of the corporation shall end on December 31 of each year or on such other date as the Executive Committee from time to time may determine.


[http://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cdap/downloads/cdap_pdf6250.pdf City of Cincinnati Community Council Contact Information]

[http://www.heightscommunitycouncil.org The Heights Community Council Online (under-construction/updates)]

External links

* [http://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cdap/downloads/cdap_pdf6250.pdf City of Cincinnati Community Council Contact Information]
* [http://www.cincinnati-oh.gov City of Cincinnati]
* [http://www.heightscommunitycouncil.org The Heights Community Council Online (under-construction/updates)]
* [http://www.stratfordheightscommunity.org Stratford Heights Community Online]
* [http://www.adamnoe.com Online Home of the President of the Heights Community Council]
* [http://www.citybeat.com/2003-02-19/news2.shtml CityBeat: Learning to be neighbours]
* [http://www.magazine.uc.edu/0904/constStratford.htm UC Magazine: Stratford Heights Student Housing]
* [http://www.uc.edu/news/strat.htm University of Cincinnati News: Stratford Village Plans Outlined]

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