Radiation trapping

Radiation trapping

Radiation trapping, imprisonment of resonance radiation, radiative transfer of spectral lines, line transfer or spectral diffusion is a phenomenon in physics whereby radiation may be "trapped" in a system as it is emitted by one atom and absorbed by another. [ [http://uigelz.ece.iastate.edu/Projects/RAD_TRAP/rad_trap.html Project:Radiation Trapping in electrodeless lamps ] ] [ [http://raptor.physics.wisc.edu/talk/part_2d2.htm Primer on Collisions ] ] [* Harvard reference
Surname1 = Molisch
Given1 = Andreas F.
Surname2 = Oehry
Given2 = Bernard P.
Year = 1998
Title = Radiation Trapping in Atomic Vapours
Publisher = Oxford University Press
Place = Oxford
ISBN = 0198538669
URL = http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0198538669&id=JoELZdSUzKEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=isbn:0198538669&sig=pCHyneMvSvLQtSJBWA6b-A0vRr0
Access-date = June 18, 2006


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