Salt River

Salt River

Salt River may refer to:

;United States
*The Salt River (Arizona)
*The Salt River (Kentucky)
*Salt River (Michigan), two rivers
*The Salt River (Missouri)
*The Salt River (United States Virgin Islands)
**Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve
*The Salt River (West Virginia)
*The Salt River (Wyoming)

*The Salt River (Guadeloupe)

;South Africa
*The Salt River, a small river that runs into Table Bay, near Cape Town
*Salt River, Cape Town, the suburb in Cape Town

ee also

*The Salt Fork Arkansas River
*The Salt Fork of the Red River
*Salt Creek

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  • Salt River — ist der Name folgender Flüsse in den USA: Salt River (Gila River), Arizona Salt River (Mississippi River) sowie der Salt River Range, einer Bergkette in Wyoming. Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheid …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • salt river — a tidal river, 1650s; as a proper name, used early 19c. with reference to backwoods inhabitants of the U.S., especially Kentucky. U.S. political slang phrase to row (someone) up Salt River send (someone) to political defeat probably owes its… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Salt River — Salt River, 1) Fluß im Staate Kentucky (Nordamerika), entspringt in der Grafschaft Boyle, nimmt an der Grenze der Grafschaften Meade u. Bullitt den Rolling Fork auf u. fällt in den Ohio River; 2) Fluß im Staate Missouri, entsteht aus dem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Salt River — [because of the saltiness of the lower stream] river in SC Ariz., flowing into the Gila River: c. 200 mi (322 km) …   English World dictionary

  • Salt River — (spr. ßaolt riwwer, Salzfluß), 1) Fluß im nordamerikan. Staate Kentucky, mündet 39 km unterhalb Louisville bei Westpoint in den Ohio, für Boote 240 km befahrbar. – 2) Fluß im Staate Missouri, entsteht aus einem Nord , Mittel und Südarm vnd mündet …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Salt River — a river flowing W from E Arizona to the Gila River near Phoenix: Roosevelt Dam. 200 mi. (322 km) long. * * * River, east central Arizona, U.S. A tributary of the Gila River, it is formed at the confluence of the Black and White rivers. It flows… …   Universalium

  • salt river — ˈ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun Usage: usually capitalized S&R Etymology: from Salt river, Ky., that in the early 19th century flowed through a region notorious for its backward backwoods quality : a river symbolizing the route to oblivion for defeated… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Salt River — Rivière Salée Rivière Salée Caractéristiques Longueur 322 km Bassin  ? …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Salt River Fields at Talking Stick — The main entry to the stadium behind home plate. Full name Salt River Fields at Talking Stick …   Wikipedia

  • Salt River (Michigan) — Salt River is the name of two streams in the U.S. state of Michigan. Macomb CountyThe Salt River in Macomb County empties into Anchor Bay of Lake Saint Clair in Chesterfield Township at coord|42|39|12|N|82|47|06|W|. [ Gnis|637138|Salt River in… …   Wikipedia

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