- Basilides
:"Basilides" redirects here. For the 17th century Ethiopian Emperor, see
Fasilides of Ethiopia . For the martyr, seeBasilides and Potamiana ."Basilides (early 2nd century) was an early Christian religious teacher in
Alexandria, Egypt . He apparently wrote twenty-four books on theGospel and promoted a dualism influenced byZoroastrianism . His followers formed a Gnostic sect, theBasilideans . Historians know of Basilides and his teachings only through the writings of his detractors,Agrippa Castor ,Irenæus ,Clement of Alexandria , andHippolytus of Rome . It is impossible to determine how reliable these hostile accounts are.Basilides
Basilides was a pupil of an alleged interpreter of
St. Peter , Glaucias by name, and taught atAlexandria during the reign ofHadrian (117–138). He may have been previously a disciple ofMenander atAntioch , together with Saturnilus. The "Acta Archelai" state that for a time he taught among thePersians . He composed twenty-four books on theGospel , which, according toClement of Alexandria were entitled "Exegetics". Some fragments, preserved by Clement and in the "Acta Archelai", supplement the knowledge of Basilides furnished by his opponents.The oldest refutation of the teachings of Basilides, by
Agrippa Castor , is lost, and we are dependent upon the later accounts ofIrenæus , Clement of Alexandria, andHippolytus of Rome , who in his "Philosophumena ", gives a presentation entirely different from the other sources. It either rests on corrupt accounts, or, more probably, on those of a later, post-Basilidian phase of the system. Hippolytus describes amonistic system, in which Hellenic, or ratherStoic , conceptions stand in the foreground, whereas the genuine Basilides is an Oriental through and through, who stands in closer relationship toZoroaster than toAristotle .Influence
Twentieth-century psychoanalyst
Carl Jung wrote his Seven Sermons to the Dead and attributed them to Basilides. The Argentine writerJorge Luis Borges was interested in Irenaeus' account of Basilides' Gnostic doctrine and wrote an essay on the subject: "A Vindication of the False Basilides" (1932). Basilides is also mentioned in Borges's short story "Three Versions of Judas" (1944), which opens with the striking passage "InAsia Minor or in Alexandria, in the second century of our faith, when Basilides published that the Cosmos was a reckless or evil improvisation by deficientangel s... "ee also
Basilides or, to be more precise, "the Gnostic Gospel of Basilides", is also mentioned in
Borges ' story "The Library of Babel ".
*Christian mystics External links
* [http://www.hermetic.com/sabazius/basilides.htm "Basilides" by T. Apiryon]
* [http://www.gnosis.org/library/7Sermons.htm Seven Sermons to the Dead]
* [http://www.gnosis.org/library/basilide.htm Fragments of Basilides]
* [http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/isidore.html Fragments of his son Isidore]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02326a.htm "Catholic Encyclopedia":] a point-of-view from a conservative orthodox Catholic positionReferences
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0734-6018%28198923%290%3A28%3C135%3ATSOBIA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B Layton,Bentley, (1989), "The Significance of Basilides in Ancient Christian Thought ", Representations, No. 28, Special Issue: Essays in Memory of Joel Fineman. (Autumn, 1989), pp.135-151.]
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