

Überdruck is a Hard Trance DJ collaboration from Germany between David Rzenno and Dirk Nothroff. Überdruck are seen as Germany's number 1 Hard Trance act.Facts|date=October 2007


The story of Überdruck began in one of the first techno clubs in Germany, the Reactor Club, in NRW, and was founded in 1993 by Dirk Nothroff. With more than 10 years DJ experience he initiated the club, working as resident DJ under the nameThe Crow”. After 4 years Dirk handed the club over to his successor Timo Maas so he would have more time for DJ bookings and to produce his own style of music and build his personal studio. After separating from his former production partner after three successful years work he met his current studio partner, David Rzenno, and sharing musical interests, they decided to get together and build up a fresh new style of music. From this Überdruck was born.

Their first Überdruck collaboration wasDrugface’. A remarkable picture disc released at the beginning of 2001. ‘Drugfacehad an unequalled resonance within the club and DJ-scene and also found its way into the playlists of many radio stations in the UK (Judge Jules, Dave PearceRadio One). The second and third releasesNow Or NeverandBloody Slutcontinued with the success and were licensed to numerous worldwide compilations.

Dirk and David produce all the singles for Überdruck in their own studio. Theyve also worked on projects under the names 'The Crow' (4 sales chart hits including the UK), 'Drugface', 'C4', 'Toolboy', 'Schalldruck' and 'Lazard' (which entered German sales chart at 35)". Plus remixes in their studio for DJ Shredda, Signum, Organ Donors, Fallout Boy, Lazard, Drugface and the Gladheads.

In a short time the Überdruck Label has become one of the biggest selling techno/hardtrance/hardstyle labels in Germany and the UK, where a lot of other successful producers have found a platform for their impressively unique style of music.

Highlights have included the licensing ofDrugfacefor the UKs Bulletproof Label, the Drugface picture disc singlesFat as Fuck’ & ‘Fill Meand the Überdruck BoysBlue Pill’. The latest Drugface single is calledAll Good Buddy’.

The Überdruck DJ sound and style is very popular throughout the world. Dirk takes responsibility for most of the worldwide DJ bookings although David sometimes joins him on tour. Überdruck perform on a regular basis in the UK for Helter Skelter, Slammin Vinyl, Escape, Goodgreef, Frantic, Antiworld, Tidy, Tranzaction, Dance Academy, Technology, Bionic and loads more. Theyve toured Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Finland, Canada, Switzerland and much of the rest of Europe.

External links

* [http://www.djthecrow.de Official Überdruck website]

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