

A spotter is someone trained to look for something. The term has the following special meanings.

*Weather spotter, an individual who observes the weather to inform other groups.
*Storm spotter, a weather spotter who observes specific weather events.
*In the military, a spotter is a member of a sniper team.
*In weight training, a spotter will assist someone lifting a weight for safety; see spotting (weight training).
*In bouldering a spotter is a person who takes care that a falling boulderer lands savely on his/her feet to prevent injuries.
*Transportation enthusiasts who enjoy watching various transport-related activities:
**Train spotter, a railfan.
**An aircraft spotter, someone who engages in aircraft spotting.
**A bus spotter, someone who engages in bus spotting.
*A British term for a police or military intelligence informant.

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