

Macrophilia refers to a sexual fantasy involving domination by giants, primarily giant women.Cite web|url=|title=A Giant Fetish|accessdate=2008-03-25||year=May 22, 1999|author=Jon Bowen] Variants include metamorphic fantasies; the shrinking of men/women so that average-sized people appear relatively huge, or more commonly, ordinary humans growing to giant size.

Humorist David Sedaris's essay, "Giantess", reprinted in "Barrel Fever" (1994),cite book | title=Sedaris| url=| last=Kopelson| first=Kevin| authorlink=Kevin Kopelson| date=2007| pages=226-7| publisher=University of Minnesota Press] describes writing for a magazine specializing in erotic stories about giant women and the particular attention that must be paid to the transformation and tearing of clothes.

ee also

*Sexual fetishism


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