Evanivaldo Castro

Evanivaldo Castro

Evanivaldo Castro Silva, also known as Cabinho (born April 28, 1948 in Salvador de Bahia) is a Brazilian former professional footballer, who gained his greatest professional fame in Mexico.

In 1969 Cabinho played for the popular Brazilian club Flamengo, where he played six matches and scored one goal. ASSAF, Roberto, MARTINS, Clóvis. "Almanaque do Flamengo Placar". Editora Abril: São Paulo: 2001] Cabinho arrived in Mexico on July 19th, 1974. During his first season, despite not playing to the best of his abilities, scored a total of 16 goals. This was just a taste prior to becoming one of the best goal scorers in Mexican soccer history, wining a total of 8 scoring titles (7 of these on consecutive fashion). Throughout his stint in México, Cabinho scored a total of 312 goals.

Evanivaldo Castro was known as "Cabo" or "Cabinho" (Corporal) due to his partial taste for military camouflage clothing.

Cabinho was UNAM Pumas' maximum goal scorer in 4 seasons: 1975/76 (29), 76/77 (34), 77/78 (33), and 78/79 sharing the scoring title with Hugo Sánchez with 26 goals.

While playing for Pumas, Cabinho achieved the Mexican Championship Title for the first time in July 1977, under the management of Jorge Marik.

Cabinho played for UNAM for five consecutive seasons (1974-1979), he then went on to play for another of México City's great teams, CF Atlante. At Atlante, he was the maximum goal scorer of the championship three times, seasons 79/80 (30), 80/81 (29) and 81/82 (32). He scored a total of 102 goals while playing for Potros de Hierro (Iron Colts) of Atlante.

His next stint was at León. With the team he reached the semi-finals in the 84-85 season, under the management of Hungarian coach Arpad Fekete. The semi-finals were played against his old team, Pumas de la UNAM. That year he also achieved his last Top Scorer Championship with 23 goals.

In 1986, after a one season stint in Brazilian team Paysandu, Cabinho returned to play in México; this time he joined UANL Tigres, in the Northern city of Monterrey. Here he played until his retirement as an active player.

In all, during his playing career in México, Cabinho played a total of 415 games with 312 goals scored; with an impressive average of 0.75 goals per game.

After the end of his playing career Cabinho took up coaching and managed México's second division team Lobos BUAP.


External links

* [http://www.pumasgol.com/jugadores_destacados.php Evanivaldo Castro (Cabinho)]
* [http://www.pumasgol.com Futbol Mexicano]

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