

The phyllosphere is a term used in microbiology to refer to leaf surfaces or total above-ground surfaces of a plant as a habitat for microorganisms. The below-ground bacterial habitat (i.e. the root surfaces) are referred to as the rhizosphere.All plants are host to a numerous and diverse community of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and yeasts. Some are beneficial to the plant, others function as plant pathogens and may damage the host plant or even kill it. However, the majority of bacterial colonists on any given plant have no detectable effect on plant growth or function.

Research into the characteristics of microbial life in the phyllosphere is of great commercial importance to the agricultural industry for two reasons. First, understanding the survival of plant disease-causing bacteria and fungi is vital for developing new ways to control their spread. Second, there has been a recent rise in the number of food poisoning cases associated with fruit and vegetables contaminated with bacteria such as "Salmonella" and "". This is particularly true of fresh fruits and salads which are not cooked prior to consumption. Preventing these outbreaks by developing better decontamination strategies is important to protect public health.

External links

* [ A BBC news article about a salad-associated food poisoning outbreak]
* [ Link to one of many scholarly review articles about phyllosphere microbiology]

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