Brhat Trayi

Brhat Trayi

The Brht Trayi (literally "the three great compositions") a the classic Ayurvedic literary work, which was composed, compiled, and edited by Vagbhatta II, under the title "Astang Sangraha". [citebook|title=Hindu Bioethics |author= S. Cromwell Crawford|year=2003|publisher=SUNY Press|id=ISBN 0791457796]


Charaka samhita चरक संहित was written by Agnivesha अग्निवेश and later edited by Charaka चरक.
Sushruta samhita सुश्रुत संहित was written by Sushruta सुश्रत.
Ashtanga samgraha अष्टग्ङ संग्रह and Ashtanga Hridaya अष्टग्ङ हृदय was written by Vagbhatta वग्भत्त. Question is if it is the same person or two (or more) different persons with the same name.

Vagbhatta II compiled the three volumes of the "Charak, Sushruta, and Astang Hridaya" ,written by Vagbhatta I, into one volume and added his own works. He named this compilation the "Astanga Sangrah" , which means "collection of eight parts". Astang is used for the Astang Ayurveda, the eight parts of Ayurvedic medical science. The "Brhat Trayi" is also called the "Vradhtrayi/Vridha Trayi", which means "the three old classics".


The "Astanga Sangrah" is divided into six parts:

# Sutra Sthana
# Uttar Sthana
# Shareer Sthana (12 chapters)
# Nidan Sthan (16 chapters)
# Chikitsa Sthan (24 chapters)
# Kalpa Sthan (8 chapters)


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