Thomas Weinandy

Thomas Weinandy

Father Thomas G. Weinandy is a Catholic priest and a leading scholar in the Roman Catholic Church. He is a prolific writer in both academic and popular works, including articles, books, and study courses.

Father Weinandy was born in Delphos, Ohio on 12 January, 1946. He entered the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin in 1966, was solemnly professed in 1970, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1972.

He earned a B.A. in Philosophy at St. Fidelis College, Herman, Pennsylvania in 1969, an M.A. in Systematic Theology at Washington Theological Union in 1972, and a Doctorate in Historical Theology at King's College London in 1975.

Weinandy, lived in and was an active member of the Mother of God Community, Washington, for 19 years before leaving to teach at Oxford University.

Father Weinandy's major fields of specialty are History of Christology, especially Patristic, Medieval and Contemporary, History of Trinitarian Theology, History of Soteriology, and Philosophical Notions of God.

He has held academic positions at Georgetown University, Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland, Franciscan University of Steubenville, and Loyola College, Baltimore. Father Weinandy served at the University of Oxford from 1991 to 2005.

He was the Warden of Greyfriars (1993-2004)(Honorary Fellow 2004) and tutor and lecturer in History and Doctrine in the Faculty of Theology. He was Chairman of the Faculty of Theology from 1997 to 1999.

Father Weinandy is a member of the Catholic Theological Society of America, the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, the Catholic Theological Society of Great Britain, the North American Patristics Society, and the Association Internationale D'Etudes Patristiques.

Some of his books on religion have been translated into several languages including Roumanian and Polish.

He has also published many scholarly articles in various journals including The Thomist, New Blackfriars, Communio, First Things, Pro Ecclesia, Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, and the International Journal of Systematic Theology.

He has written many popular articles including those for New Covenant, National Catholic Register, Pastoral Life, Canadian Catholic Review, New Oxford Review, the Arlington Catholic Herald, and The Family.

Father Weinandy is currently the Executive Director of the Secretariat for Doctrine and Pastoral Practices of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

List of books

*"Receiving the Promise: The Spirit's Work of Conversion", 1985 (ISBN 0-932085-01-6)
*"Be Reconciled to God: A Family Guide to Confession", 1988 (ISBN 0-932085-06-7)
*"The Lord Jesus Christ: An Introduction to Christology and Soteriology"
*"In the Likeness of Sinful Flesh: An Essay on the Humanity of Christ", 1993, (ISBN 0-567-09643-2)
*"The Father's Spirit of Sonship: Reconceiving the Trinity", 1995 (ISBN 0-567-09721-8)
*"Sacrament of Mercy: A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Confession", 1997, (ISBN 0-8198-6992-9)
*"Does God Suffer", 2000, (ISBN 0-268-00890-6)
*"Does God Change? The Word's Becoming in the Incarnation", 2000, (ISBN 0-932506-42-9)
*"The Wisdom of John Paul II", 2001, (ISBN 1-86082-115-4)
*"Jesus the Christ", 2003, (ISBN 1-931709-68-8)
*"The Theology of St. Cyril of Alexandria: A Critical Appreciation", 2003, (ISBN 0-567-08900-2)
*"Aquinas on Doctrine: A Critical Introduction", 2004, (ISBN 0-567-08411-6)Aquinas on Scripture: An Introduction to his Bibilical CommentariesAthanasius: A Theological Introduction

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