Elisabeth Vrba

Elisabeth Vrba

Elisabeth S. Vrba is a paleontologist at Yale University. Vrba earned her Ph.D. in Zoology and Palaeontology at the University of Cape Town, in 1974. She is well known for developing the Turnover Pulse Hypothesis, as well as coining the word "exaptation" with colleague Stephen Jay Gould. She has been a faculty member at the Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University, since the early 1980s.


*Gould, S. J., and S. Vrba. (1982) "Exaptation—a missing term in the science of form," "Paleobiology" 8: 4-15.
*Vrba, E. S., and Gould, S. J. (1986) "The hierarchical expansion of sorting and selection," "Paleobiology". 12: 217-228.
*Vrba, E. S. (1993) [http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d10/asb/anthro2003/origins/pulse.html "The Pulse That Produced Us"] "Natural History" 102 (5) 47-51.

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