

Eristic, from the ancient Greek word Eris meaning "wrangle" or "strife", often refers to a type of dialogue or argument where the participants do not have any reasonable goal. The aim is to win the argument, not to potentially discover a true or probable answer to any specific question or topic. Eristic dialogue is arguing for the sake of conflict, fighting, and seeing who can yell the loudest.

Philosophical Eristic

Plato often contrasted this type of dialogue with the dialectical method and other more reasonable and logical methods (e.g., at "Republic" 454a). In the dialogue Euthydemus, Plato satirizes eristic.

Different from Plato, Schopenhauer considers that only logic pursues truth. For him, dialectic, sophistry and eristic have no objective truth in view, but only the appearance of it, and pay no regard to truth itself because it aims at victory. He names these three last methods as "eristic dialectic" [ [ Controversial Dialectic] on accessed at January 19 2008]

According to Schopenhauer [ Eristic Dialectic] is mainly concerned to tabulate and analyze dishonest stratagems [In his Dialectica Eristica Schopenhauer presents 38 eristic stratagems] , in order that in a real debate they may be at once recognized and defeated. It is for this very reason that Eristic Dialectic must admittedly take victory, and not objective truth, for its aim and purpose.

Argumentation theory

Argumentation theory is a field of study that asks critical questions about eristic arguments and the other types of dialogue.



Schopenhauer, Arthur. Eristische Dialektik,1830.

External links

* Arthur Schopenhauer's Eristische Dialektik:
** [ German and English version of Eristische Dialektik]
** [ German version of Eristische Dialektik]

ee also

*The Art of Being Right
*Logical fallacy
* [ Eristische Dialektik]
* Eris (mythology)

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