Instituto Nacional

Instituto Nacional
Instituto Nacional
General José Miguel Carrera
Insignia Instituto Nacional.svg
Founded 10 August 1813
Motto «Labor omnia vincit»
Localization  Chile Santiago, Chile
Owner Municipalidad de Santiago
Tipo all men
Selective Process Spanish Language and Math Exams
Principal Jorge Toro Beretta (s)
Address Arturo Prat 33, Santiago
• IDE-Andrés Bello
• Revista El Sábado

1, Municipales
1, Municipales (564,93)

Instituto Nacional (National Institute), founded on August 10, 1813 by the Chilean patriot José Miguel Carrera , officially Liceo Ex A-0 - Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera, is Chile's oldest and most prestigious school. Its motto is 'Labor Omnia Vincit', which means "Work conquers all things".

It is an all male public school teaching 7th and 8th grade of the basic level (Educación Básica) and 1st through 4th grade of the intermediate level (Educación Media). It is located in downtown Santiago, Chile, neighboring the University of Chile's main campus. The exact location is Arturo Prat #33, Santiago, Chile.

Instituto Nacional is considered by many to be one of the best schools in Chile, and the most prestigious one.[1]

Many Chilean presidents and other honorable personalities have studied here.

A number of Chilean presidents are Instituto Nacional alumni:

A partial list of renowned Chilean intellectuals who were both alumni and teachers at Instituto National is given below:

Other famous alumni includes:

Famous intellectuals taught at Instituto Nacional. Some of them are:

  • Rodulfo Amando Philippi
  • Ignacio Domeyko
  • Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil
  • Hans Steffen
  • Andrés Bello. Founder of Universidad de Chile.


  1. ^ III Ranking "Los mejores colegios de Chile" - Revista "El Sábado", El Mercurio. 8 April 2006. (en PDF)

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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