

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Wappen = Wappen_Lahnau.pnglat_deg = 50 |lat_min = 34
lon_deg = 08 |lon_min = 34
Lageplan = Lahn-Dill-Kreis Lahnau.pngBundesland = Hessen
Regierungsbezirk = Gießen
Landkreis = Lahn-Dill-Kreis
Höhe = 166
Fläche = 23.93
Einwohner = 8233
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 35633
Vorwahl = 06441
Kfz = LDK
Gemeindeschlüssel = 06 5 32 015
Gliederung = 3 Ortsteile
Straße = Rathausstraße 1 / 3
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Eckhard Schultz

Lahnau is a community in the Lahn-Dill-Kreis in Hesse, Germany, and lies about midway – about 6 km each way – between the towns of Wetzlar and Gießen.


Neighbouring communities

Lahnau borders in the north on the community of Biebertal, in the east on the community of Heuchelheim (both in Gießen district), and in the south and west on the town of Wetzlar (Lahn-Dill-Kreis).

Constituent communities

The centres of Atzbach (3,065 inhabitants), Dorlar (1,924 inhabitants) and Waldgirmes (3,393 inhabitants) are all part of the community.

"(The population figures are drawn from a statistical extrapolation from 30 June 2003)"

The community of Dorlar had itself incorporated into Wetzlar in 1972. Wetzlar, Gießen, Atzbach, Waldgirmes and 12 other municipalities formed from 1977 to 1979 the city of Lahn. Within Lahn, the constituent communities of Waldgirmes, Dorlar and Atzbach the "Stadtbezirk" (roughly "borough") of Lahntal. After the city of Lahn was dissolved, the borough became an independent community under the name Lahnau on 1 August 1979

The constituent community of Dorlar thereby managed to belong to four different municipalities over only seven years, which stands as a curiosity even in the complex history of Hessian municipal reform.

Public institutions

Educational institutions

*Grundschule Atzbach
*Lahntalschule Lahnau (district integrated comprehensive school in Atzbach)
*Grundschule Waldgirmes

Sports and leisure

*Trimm-Dich-Pfad Atzbach (path)
*Sportpark Lahnau in Dorlar, artificial turf and hard court, athletic facility
*Indoor and outdoor swimming pool with 50m × 12.5m basin and broad sunbathing lawn
*Riding hall and square
*Sports ground in Waldgirmes, natural and artificial turf


*TSV Atzbach (gymnastic and sport club)
*SC 1929 Waldgirmes (sport club)
*TV05 Waldgirmes (gymnastic club)
*TSG Dorlar (gymnastic and sport club)
*AS LahnLaender Lahnau
*CVJM Atzbach-Dorlar (YMCA)
*CVJM Waldgirmes (YMCA)
*Sängervereinigung Waldgirmes (singers' association)
*Deutsch-Englischer Freundeskreis Lahnau e.V. (German-English circle of friends)
*Burschenschaft Fidelio Atzbach e.V. (fraternity)
*Mädchenschaft Atzbach (sorority)

Town partnerships

* Wincanton, United Kingdom
* Geraberg, Thuringia

Culture and sightseeing

* The Roman "Forum von Waldgirmes" – owing to a lack of any Roman written record of the place it is still nameless – is Germany's oldest known stone building foundation, and shows that the Romans founded a town in Magna Germania north of the Danube and east of the Rhine. The site was dated by finds of Roman coins showing likenesses of Publius Quinctilius Varus, placing the ruins at about the time of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in the year 9, in which Varus lost three legions and his own life.


*"Heimatmuseum" in Waldgirmes (local history)


*Atzbach Church
*Amtsgericht Atzbach (formerly the "Amt courthouse, now a primary school)
*Backhaus Atzbach ("bakehouse")
*Dorlar Church
*Altes Backhaus Dorlar (
*Waldgirmes Church

Regular events

* Kirmes in Atzbach (Atzbach Fair), in May
* 2. Advent Atzbacher Adventmarkt
* LahnLaender, last Sunday in June
* Kirmes in Waldgirmes (Waldgirmes Fair), first weekend in August


External links

* [ Lahnau]
* [ Evangelical parishes of Dorlar & Atzbach]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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