Lymphangitis carcinomatosa

Lymphangitis carcinomatosa

Lymphangitis carcinomatosa is inflammation of the lymph vessels secondary to a malignancy. Breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, and prostate cancers are the most common tumors that result in lymphangitis. First described by pathologist Gabriel Andral in 1829 in a patient with uterine cancer.

ee also

* Lymphangitis


* cite journal
author = Bruce DM, Heys SD, Eremin O.
year = 1996
month = February
title = Lymphangitis carcinomatosa: a literature review.
journal = J R Coll Surg Edinb.
volume = 41
issue = 1
pages = 7–13
pmid = 8930034

* cite journal
author = Doyle L.
year = 1989
month = August
title = Gabriel Andral (1797-1876) and the first reports of lymphangitis carcinomatosa.
journal = J R Soc Med.
volume = 82
issue = 8
pages = 491–3
pmid = 2674433
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