Force Five

Force Five

"Force Five" was a syndicated anime cartoon anthology during the early 1980s. It was produced by Jim Terry and his company American Way, and consisted of five imported Japanese giant robot serials (originally produced in the mid-1970s by Toei Animation) in response to the popularity of the Shogun Warriors toy collection (in fact, Mattel was one of the sponsors). It consisted of the following series:

*"Dangard Ace" ("Planetary Robot Dangard Ace")
*"Starvengers" ("Getter Robo G")
*"Grandizer" ("UFO Robot Grendizer")
*"Spaceketeers" ("Starzinger")

In true anthology style, the five shows were broadcast simultanesously with one episode of each serial assigned a specific weekday. Additionally, all of the shows were edited into two hour movies and marketed on video tape by Family Home Entertainment.


*"Great Mazinger" was supposed to be among the five shows, but the deal to pick up the series fell through, so "Starzinger" ("Spaceketeers") was picked up instead.
* The instrumental version of Gaiking's theme song was reused as the "outro" music for Starvengers.
* In the US, this series was primarily shown only in New England and Virginia. It was also shown in Toronto, Canada on CFMT channel 47.

See also Shogun Warriors.

*Dangard Ace aired on Mondays
*The Starvengers aired on Tuesdays
*The Spacekeeters aired on Wednesdays
*Grandizer aired on Thursdays
*Gaiking aired on Fridays

However when the series was aired in the early nineties on Star Plus (when it was still an English language channel) the order was slightly different:

*Gaiking aired on Mondays
*Dangard Ace aired on Tuesdays
*The Starvengers aired on Wednesdays
*Grandizer aired on Thursdays
*The Spacekeeters aired on Fridays

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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