

Rees is a Welsh name that traces back to the ancient Celts known as the Britons. The surname was first recorded in Carmarthenshire, and is derived from the personal name Rhys.

It may refer to one of these people:

* Abraham Rees (1743–1825), compiler of "Rees's Cyclopaedia"
* Alan Rees, British Formula One driver
* Alice Mills Rees, First Family Virginia, American missionary
* Benjamin Parker Rees, Sr., American, union leader ILU-SIU, bon vivant;
* Benjamin Parker Rees, Jr., American, inventor; WWII hero Pacific theater;
* Billy Rees (1924–1996), Welsh international footballer
* Brinley Rees (1919–2004), British classicist
* Celia Rees British author
* Dai Rees (born 1913), Welsh golfer
* D.Ben Rees Welsh publisher, author, lecturer and preacher of Liverpool
* David Rees (cartoonist) (born 1972), U.S. cartoonist
* Don Rees, warden of Hugh Stewart Hall in the University of Nottingham for 29 years
* Elgan Rees, Wales and British Lions rugby union international
* Elmer Rees, British geometer
* Fernando Rees (born 1985), Brazilian autoracing driver
* Gareth Rees (motorsport commentator), (born 1969) Welsh motorsport commentator
* Gareth Rees (rugby player) (born 1967), Canadian rugby union player
* Goronwy Rees (1909-79), Welsh journalist, academician, memoirist, and Soviet spy
* Jason Rees ,Technology teacher FIRST Woodie Flowers Winner
* Jean Rees (1914–2004), British artist
* Jeremy Rees (1937–2003), British arts administrator
* Jerry Rees, U.S. animator and film director
* John Rees (journalist), U.S. journalist
* John Rees (UK politician), British Trotskyist politician
* John Rawlings Rees (1890–1969), British psychiatrist
* Idwal Rees(1910–1991), Wales rugby union captain
* Ivor Rees (1893–1967), Welsh soldier and recipient of the Victoria Cross
* Leighton Rees (born 1940), Welsh darts player
* Lionel Wilmot Brabazon Rees (1884–1955), Welsh World War I flying ace
* Lloyd Rees (1895–1988), Australian landscape painter
* Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow (born 1942), British Astronomer Royal
* Merlyn Rees (born 1920), British Labour party politician and minister
* Nathan Rees, (born 1968) Australian politician with the Labor Party, and Premier of New South Wales.
* Peter Rees (born 1926), British Conservative party politician
* Roger Rees (born 1944), British-American actor
* Stuart Rees, director of the Sydney Peace Foundation
* Thomas Rees (Unitarian minister) (1777–1864), Welsh Unitarian minister and scholar
* Thomas Rees (Twm Carnabwth) (c. 1806–1876; also known as Twm Carnabwth), Welsh leader of the Rebecca Riots
* Thomas Rees (Congregational minister) (1815–1885), Welsh Congregationalist minister
* Thomas Ifor Rees (1890–1977), Welsh diplomat and translator
* Trevor Rees-Jones (born 1968), Bodyguard and sole survivor of the car crash that killed Diana, Princess of Wales
* William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) (18021883), writer
* William Rees (cinematographer) (19041961)
* William James Rees (19131967), British hydroid and cephalopod researcher
* William Rees (academic) (born 1943)
* William Rees (veterinarian), Chief Veterinary Officer of the United Kingdom from August 1980 to May 1988

Rees might also mean:
* Rees, Germany, a city on the lower Rhine
* "Rees's Cyclopaedia", a nineteenth-century encyclopedia, particularly rich in coverage of science and technology
* Otway-Rees protocol, a computer network authentication protocol

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  • Rees — Rees,   Stadt im Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein Westfalen, am Niederrhein, 20 600 Einwohner; Ausflugsverkehr; Drahtwaren , Bekleidungsfabriken, Türzargen und Möbelherstellung, Sand und Kiesgewinnung; Rheinbrücke nach Kalkar.   Stadtbild:   Ehemalige… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • rees — rees; rees·ty; …   English syllables

  • Rees [1] — Rees, so v.w. Reis …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Rees [2] — Rees, 1) Kreis des Regierungsbezirks Düsseldorf (preußische Rheinprovinz), 93/5 QM., 53,000 Ew., am Rhein, größtentheils sandig, fruchtbar, mit Ackerbau, Viehzucht, vielen Gewerben, Schifffahrt u. Handel; 2) Kreisstadt darin, rechts am Rhein u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Rees [3] — Rees (spr. Rihs), Abraham, geb. 1743 in England; st. 1825. Herausgeber der englischen Encyklopädie …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Rees — Rees, Stadt im preuß. Regbez. Düsseldorf, Kreis R. (mit Landratsamt in Wesel), am Rhein und an der Kleinbahn Empel R., hat eine evangelische und eine kath. Kirche, Synagoge, alte Festungsmauern, ein gotisches Rathaus, ein Amtsgericht,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Rees — Rees, Stadt im preuß. Reg. Bez. Düsseldorf, r. am Rhein, (1905) 4168 E., Amtsgericht …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Rees — Rees, preuß. Stadt im Reg. Bez. Düsseldorf, am Rhein, mit 3800 E …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Rees — m Welsh and English: Anglicized spelling of the Welsh name RHYS (SEE Rhys), in some cases representing a transferred use of the surname so spelled, which is derived from the Welsh given name …   First names dictionary

  • Rees — Autre forme de Rhys, nom de personne gallois (Rîs = guerrier ardent) …   Noms de famille

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