- Ismail ibn Ibrahim
Ismail Ibn Ibrahim ( _ar. اسماعيل بن ابراهيم) is most notable for being the father of
Imam Bukhari .Biography
Ismail's ancestry can be traced to a farmer named
Bardizbah who lived in the vicinity ofBukhara . This farmer was taken as a captive during theIslamic conquest of Persia . Bardizbah's had a son namedal-Mugheerah . The son accepted Islam in the hand of the Muslim governor of Bukhara, namedal-Yamaan al-Ju'fee . Due to this, he was given the ascription "al-Ju'fee".Mugheerah eventually had a son named
Ibraaheem , the father of Ismail Ibn Ibrahim.Life
Ismail Ibn Ibrahim became a known scholar of
Hadith , praised bySunni Muslims as a man of great piety and sound reputation. Scrupulous in his habits, he is said to have mentioned on his deathbed that in all he possessed there was not a penny which had not been earned by his own honest labour.Ismael also married and had two sons, Ahmad and Muhammad. Muhammad would later be known as
Imam Bukhari , the most prominentSunni hadith collector.Death
Imam Bukhari was only an infant, Ismail Ismail died. He left a considerable fortune to his widow two sons.References
* [http://fatwa-online.com/classicalbooks/hadeeth/0000101.htm fatwa-online.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.