Casual gamer

Casual gamer

Casual gamer is a loosely defined term used to describe a type of video game player whose time or interest in playing games is limited compared with a hardcore gamer. Casual gamers can conceivably consist of any people who show more than a passing interest in video games, therefore it is difficult to categorize them as a group. For this reason, games which attempt to appeal to the casual player tend to strive for simple rules and ease of game play, the goal being to present a pick-up-and-play experience that people from any age group or skill level could enjoy. [Magrino, Tom, [;title;1 GameStop: Casual gamers spurring hardcore holiday sales] , GameSpot, Sep 11, 2007, Accessed 3 May, 2008] [Boyes, Emma, [;title;0 GDC '08: Are casual games the future?] , "GameSpot", Feb 18, 2008, Accessed May 3, 2008] [Surette, Tim [;title;7 to target casual gamers] , GameSpot, Aug 11, 2005, Accessed May 3, 2008] [Surette, Tim, [;title;4 Casual gamer gets serious prize] , "GameSpot", Sep 12, 2006, Accessed May 3, 2008] [Thorsen, Tor, [;title;5 Microsoft rolling out Xbox Live Arcade] , "GameSpot"May 11, 2004, Accessed May 3, 2008]

Casual gaming demographics also vary greatly from those of traditional computer games, as the typical casual gamer is older and more predominantly female, [cite news
title=Women driving 'casual game' boom
work=San Jose Mercury News
] [Tams, Jessica, [ Gamer Demographics] , "Emarketer", April 13, 2007, Accessed May 3, 2008 ] with over 74% of those purchasing casual games being women. [cite news
title=Casual Games Market Report 2007
work=Casual Games Association

ee also

*Casual game
*Computer and video game culture


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