Boris Lehman

Boris Lehman

Boris Lehman, born in 1944, is a Belgian author-filmmaker of experimental cinema.

After studies of piano, it is devoted from the very start ofthe years 1960 with photography and the cinema. Graduate of thenational Institute higher of the performing arts of Brussels, filmenthusiast and critical, it collaborates in many reviews of cinema. Hestarts a cinematographic work out of the commercial standards,initially with the mental patients of a center of readjustment, theClub Antonin Artaud where he works like organizer, using the cinemalike therapeutic tool, then with amateurs and nonprofessional. He willresult work river from it cash, to date, more than 300 films (shortand long, documentary and fictions, tests and experiments, newspapers,autobiographies...), and some 300 000 photographs. Not very knowngeneral public because of the absence of his work in theconventional distribution systems, its films is however the object ofa diffusion regular in the festivals, and of retrospectives organizedin the cineclubs. Boris Lehman was an actor (principal male role) inBrussels-transit (1980) of Samy Szlingerbaum. He also played in CanalK of Maurice Rabinowicz (1970) and the Orange Girls of Yaël André(2003). He collaborated for various reasons with Henri Storck (SecretForest of Africa, Fêtes of Belgium), Chantal Akerman (JeanneDielman), Patrick Van Antwerpen, Jean-Marie Buchet, etc. Boris Lehmanfounded associations of cinema (Cinélibre, Cinédit, the Workshop ofthe Young Author-filmmaker).


*"La Clé du champ", 1963
*"Histoire d'un déménagement", 1967
*"Catalogue", 1968
*"Le Centre et la Classe", 1970
*"Ne pas Stagner", 1973
*"Knokke Out", 1974
*"Album 1", 1974
*"Magnum Begynasium Bruxellense" , 1978
*"Symphonie", 1979
*"Couple, Regards, Positions", 1983
*"Portrait du peintre dans son atelier", 1985
*"Muet comme une carpe", 1987
*"Masque", 1987
*"L'Homme de Terre", 1989
*"Cinématon (juif) de Gérard Courant", 1989
*"A la recherche du lieu de ma naissance", 1990
*"La Chute des Heures", 1990
*"Babel / Lettre à mes amis restés en Belgique" 1991
*"Tentatives de se décrire", 1989-2005
*"Je suis fier d'être Belge", 1993
*"Leçon de vie", 1994
*"Homme portant son film le plus lourd", 1994
*"La Division de mon temps", 1994
*"Un jour comme les autres", 1994
*"Check-Up (Etat de Santé)", 1994
*"Un Bruit qui rend sourd", 1995
*"La Dernière s(cène)", 1995
*"Mes Entretiens filmés", 1996
*"Mon voyage en Allemagne", 1997
*"Mon voyage à Moscou", 1997
*"Limage et le monde", 1998
*"A comme Adrienne", 2000
*"Histoire de ma vie racontée par mes photographies" 2001
*"Mes 7 lieux", 2001
*"Homme portant", 2003


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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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