- Princes of Dol Amroth
In the literary works of
J. R. R. Tolkien , the Princes of Dol Amroth were part-elven princes of SouthernGondor , second only to the Steward of the Realm by the time of theWar of the Ring and the Restoration of the Heir of Elendil to the thrones of Arnor and Gondor.The Princes ruled an autonomous southern
Fiefdom known as "Dor-en-Ernil" - the Lands of the Prince, first settled by theSindar ofLothlórien in theFirst Age as the Havens ofEdhellond , where they set sail for theUndying Lands History
The line of the Princes was founded by Imrazôr the Númenórean, who took as his wife
Mithrellas of Lórien, it is not known how they first came to prominence, although by the timeIsildur left Gondor , the Prince of Dol Amroth, although they did not yet hold this title, was already one of the Chief Nobles of the Kingdom and accompanied Isildur on his survey of Gondor's bounds, ending with the burial of Elendil uponAmon Anwar . They remained a power in Gondor until into theFourth Age ,Imrahil , Prince at the time of the War of the Ring, was the most powerful Prince of Dol Amroth, standing in as the Lord of All Gondor, flying the blue banner of Dol Amroth from theWhite Tower ofMinas Tirith whilstFaramir lay in theHouses of Healing after his fatherDenethor II burnt himself alive.ee also
Dol Amroth
*Stewards of Gondor
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