- Hypnodermatology
Hypnodermatology is an informal label for the use of
hypnosis in treating the skin conditions that fall between conventional medicaldermatology and the mental health disciplines.The use of hypnosis to provide relief for some skin conditions is based on observations that the severity of the disease may correlate with emotional issues.
Hypnosis can be a very valuable therapeutic intervention for hypnotizable subjects with psoriasis and other skin troubles brought about by everyday stressors like a domineering boss, or financial problems, but there are often deeper needs at work. Fact|date=April 2008 If someone is seething inside for reasons that they do not wish to bring to mind or cannot confront or rant and rave about, their skin will attempt to reflect the problem. Psychotherapy, which can also utilize hypnosis, can be a very useful tool to address these deeper problems.Fact|date=April 2008
ee also
Psychodermatology References
External links
* [http://www.aafp.org/afp/20011201/1873.html American Academy of Family Physicians]
* [http://www.psoriasis.org National Psoriasis Foundation]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.