- History of Baku
This article is about the history of
Baku , the capital ofAzerbaijan Republic , which was also the capital ofShirvan (during the reigns of Akhsitan I andKhalilullah I ),Baku khanate ,Azerbaijan Democratic Republic andAzerbaijan SSR and the administrative center of RussianBaku governorate .Origin of the name
The name "Baku" is derived from the old Persian "Bagavan", which translates to "City of God" [Ашурбейли Сара. История города Баку: период средневековья. Баку, Азернешр, 1992] . The
folk etymology explains the name "Baku" as derived from the Persian "Bādkube" (بادکوبه ), meaning "city where the wind blows", due to frequent winds blowing in Baku. However, the word "Bādkube" was invented only in XVI-XVII centuries AD, whereas Baku was founded at least before V century AD. [Ашурбейли Сара. История города Баку.]Names of Baku in mediaeval sources
Old parks names
City mayors¹
1- The mayorship has been interrupted mainly by the rules of General-Governor, City Council, People's Commissars Council and "Bakgorispolkom".
External links
* [http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai123_folder/123_articles/123_khadija_aghabeyli.html Khadija Aghabeyli. Growing Up in Baku's Old City]
* [http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/64_folder/64_articles/64_lambaranski.html The Architectural Face of Modern Baku]
* [http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai102_folder/102_articles/102_oil_chronology.html Chronology of the Baku oil industry]
* [http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai102_folder/102_articles/102_shollar_zelichowski.html How Baku Got Its Water]
*ru icon [http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/brokgauz/3786 Entry from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary]Further reading
*Alstadt, Audrey L. "The Azerbaijani Bourgeoisie and the Cultural-Enlightenment Movement in Baku: First Steps Toward Nationalism".
*Henry, James Dodds. "Baku: An Eventful History". A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1905.
*az icon Sarabski, Hüseynqulu. "Köhnə Bakı". Bakı, 1958.
*ru icon [http://www.azeribook.com/history/manaf_suleymanov/dni_minuvshie.html Манаф Сулейманов. "Дни минувшие".]
*ru icon Ашурбейли, Сара. "История города Баку. Период средневековья". Б., Азернешр, 1992.
*ru icon Тагиев Ф. А. "История города Баку в первой половине XIX века (1806-1859)". Б., Элм, 1999.
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