Júlio Fogaça

Júlio Fogaça

Júlio de Melo Fogaça (1907-1980) was a Portuguese politician and member of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP), who had a major role in the resistance against the dictatorial regime that ruled Portugal from 1926 to 1974.

In 1935, Fogaça became a member of the Party's Secretariat, being imprisoned in the same year by the political police, and sent to the Tarrafal concentration camp in the Cape Verde Islands. In 1940, received amnesty and was released. At the time, along with several other important Party cadres, such as Álvaro Cunhal and Militão Ribeiro, he started a major reorganization of the PCP.

In 1942, Fogaça was sent to Tarrafal again, being released in 1945. In 1946, he participated in the 4th Congress of the Party, being elected to the Central Committee. However, in the 1950s, ideological divergences with Cunhal led him to start running apart from the Party's leadership. In 1960, was imprisoned again, and would only be released in 1970. Meanwhile, in 1961, was expelled from the PCP.

After the democratic Carnation Revolution, in 1974, Fogaça approached the Party again. He died in 1980 and donated his goods to the Lisbon Science Academy.


*cite web | title=Políticos Portugueses da Ditadura Nacional e do Estado Novo| url=http://www.iscsp.utl.pt/~cepp/classe_politica/ditestnov/ditestnovf.html| publisher=Centro de Estudos do Pensamento Político| accessdate = 2006-06-24

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