Walter of Palearia

Walter of Palearia

Walter of Palear (or Palearia, also Gualtiero da Pagliaria; died 1229 or 1231) was chancellor of Sicily and the bishop of Troia (1189–1208) and then bishop of Catania (from 1208).

Walter put Palermo under the authority of his brother Gentile, Count of Manopello, as guardian of the young king Frederick of Hohenstaufen. Gentile surrendered the city to Markward von Anweiler in 1198, but Pope Innocent III alleged that Markward had bribed Walter for the city and the king's regency.

In 1202, an army led by Walter and Dipold, Count of Acerra, was defeated by the claimant Walter III of Brienne, who opposed Frederick as king. Markward was killed and Frederick fell under the control of William of Capparone. Dipold wrested Frederick from Capparone in 1206 and gave him over to the guardianship of the chancellor. Walter and Dipold then had a falling out and the latter captured the royal palace, where he was besieged and captured by Walter in 1207.


*Matthew, Donald. "The Norman Kingdom of Sicily". Cambridge University Press: 1992.
* [ "Ryccardi di Sancto Germano Notarii Chronicon".] trans. G. A. Loud.

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* [ Europe's 13th-Century Progress.]

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