- Holcoglossum
image_caption = "Holcoglossum kimballianum"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo =Asparagales
familia =Orchidaceae
genus = "Holcoglossum""Holcoglossum" is a genus of
orchid s, in the familyOrchidaceae .Pollination
Rather than depending on insects or even the wind for pollination, scientists have discovered that the orchid "Holcoglossum amesianum" actually fertilizes itself. The orchid defies gravity to twist the male part of its flower into the necessary shape to fertilize the female one. [cite journal | first = KW | last = Liu| coauthors = Liu ZJ, Huang L, Li LQ, Chen LJ, Tang GD | year = 2006 | month = Jun 22 | title = Pollination: self-fertilization strategy in an orchid | journal = Nature | volume = 441 | issue = 7096 | pages = 945-6 | id = PMID 16791185 | accessdate = 2007-02-12]
The plant does so without the help of sticky fluids or other methods used by self-pollinating plants to ensure that the pollen reaches the egg. It grows on tree trunks in China's
Yunnan province and flowers during the dry, windless months of February to April.The orchid produces no scent or nectar. Instead, the pollen-bearing anther uncovers itself and rotates into a suitable position to insert into the stigma cavity, where fertilization takes place. This sexual relationship is so exclusive that flowers do not even transfer pollen to other flowers on the same plant.
External links
* [http://www.newscientist.com/blog/shortsharpscience/uploaded_images/orchid_blog_500-710022.jpgPervy orchids] Sequenced photos of self-pollinating Holcoglossum
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