

French commune
Theater of Lunéville
canton=Chief town of 2 cantons
cp=54 300
maire=Michel Closse
intercomm=Communauté de
communes du Lunévillois

alt moy=
alt mini=
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Lunéville is a commune in the French "région" of Lorraine. It is a "sous-préfecture" of the Meurthe-et-Moselle "département". Population (1999): 20,200. It is located in northeastern France on the Meurthe River.

The Treaty of Lunéville was signed there on February 9, 1801 between the French Republic and the Austrian Empire by Count Ludwig von Cobenzl, and Joseph Bonaparte. Lunéville was "the place to be" in the XVIII century, all the great philosophers were there, and it was the place where the duke of Lorraine lived. The town was also the home of painter Georges de La Tour for much of his career.

The most important tourist attraction is the ducal château which suffered serious damage when a fire broke out in January 2003. Lunéville is also known for its faïence industry. An 18th century palace here, a residence of Stanislaus I, was damaged during World War II. The synagogue was built in 1786 thanks to Louis XVIs express permission. The first to be built in France since the 13th Century, it was classed as a Historic Monument in 1980.


Lunéville was the birthplace of :
*Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine, 1712
*Jean Bastien-Thiry, 1927

External links

* [ Official website] (in French)
* [ Manufacture de faïence de Lunéville]

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