

name = "Pteris"

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Pteris vittata"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Pteridophyta
classis = Pteridopsida
ordo = Pteridales
familia = Pteridaceae
genus = "Pteris"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = species
subdivision = See text

"Pteris" (brake) is a genus of about 280 species of ferns, native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

Many of them have linear frond segments, and some have sub-palmate division. Like other members of the Pteridales, the frond margin is reflexed over the marginal sori.

"Brake" has often been confused with "bracken". The relationship between the two words is uncertain. If they are related, then brake is a diminution of bracken.

;Selected species

Cultivation and uses

Some of these ferns are popular in cultivation as houseplants. These smaller species are often called "table ferns".

"Pteris vittata" (commonly known as brake fern) was discovered to have the ability to "hyperaccumulate" (absorb large amounts of) arsenic from soil. The discovery was somewhat accidental, as the fern was growing at a central Florida site contaminated with large amounts of copper arsenate in the soil. Dr. Lena Q. Ma of the University of Florida later discovered that it had hyperaccumulated considerable amounts of arsenic from the soil. The discovery may lead to the use of "pteris vittata" as a potential bioremediation plant. []


* [ Germplasm Resources Information Network: "Pteris"]
* [ Flora of North America: "Pteris"]
* [ Flora of China: "Pteris" species list]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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