Lausitzer Seenland

Lausitzer Seenland

The Lausitzer Seenland (German for "Lusatian lakeland") is a district of several big lakes in the east of Germany. It spreads over two Bundesländer, the north-eastern part of Saxony and the southern part of Brandenburg. Important cities in the region include Senftenberg, Hoyerswerda and Cottbus.

The lakes are the result of a long period of lignite mining in this region. Since the end of the 19th century, the area has been an industrial region, producing lignite and electricity. With the reunification of Germany in 1990, it was decided to end this long tradition because of the dwindling quantity of lignite and the heavy pollution of the surrounding environment. Although the mining continues and some big power stations continue to produce electricity with it, all industrial activities should cease by 2020.

Since the 1970s, some of the old pits left by the mining process have been transformed into a new landscape formerly unknown in this region. What was once a flat land overgrown with heather and a few trees is now lake district comparable with the Mecklenburger Seenplatte in Mecklenburg or Masurian Lakeland in Poland. Everything started with the "creation" of the Knappensee, and that of the Senftenberger See, still one of the biggest lakes in the region.

Further lakes have been created, with plans for over twenty large lakes being laid.Lakes that have already been created include:
* in the north: Gräbendörfer See, Altdöberner See, Bergheiner See
* in the centre: Senftenberger See, Ilsesee, Sedlitzer See, Partwitzer See, Geierswalder See, Neuwieser See, Blunoer Südsee, Sabrodter See, Bergener See, Spreetaler See
* in the south: Bernsteinsee, Scheibesee, Dreiweibner See, Speicherbecken Lohse II, Silbersee/Mortkasee, Knappensee, Graureihersee

These are not the only artificial lakes that have been and will be created in the east of Germany. Around the city of Leipzig, a new lake district is starting to develop, and there are other examples, such as the Bärwalder See and Berzdorfer See near the city of Görlitz in Upper Lusatia.

The whole area around the Lausitzer Seenland is expected by some to become one of the most attractive tourist regions in Germany, with many sporting activities on offer.

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