Cuthred of Kent

Cuthred of Kent

Cuðred was a King of Kent (798–807).

After the revolt of Kent under Eadberht III Præn was defeated in 798 by Cœnwulf, he established Cuðred as a client king. During Cuðred's reign, the Archbishopric of Lichfield was formally abolished at the Council of Clovesho on October 12, 803, and the Archbishopric of Canterbury thus regained the status of which Offa of Mercia had sought to deprive it. Cuðred's reign also saw the first raids of Kent by the Vikings. After his death in 807, Cœnwulf seems to have acted as King of Kent.

Cuðred died in 807, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. He issued coins and charters. His surviving charters are both dated 805 [1] [2], one precisely to 26 July 805, in the eighth year of his reign, so his accession fell between 27 July 797 and 26 July 798. In two charters [3] [4] issued by Cœnwulf, King of Mercia, he is described as brother of that king.

Preceded by
Eadberht III Præn
King of Kent
Succeeded by

See also

List of monarchs of Kent

Chronology of Kentish Kings

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