- Barra brava
"Barra brava" is a name for organized supporter groups of football teams in
Latin America . This style of supporting is very similar to Europeanultras . It includes standing throughout the match, singing and other enthusiastic behavior. Some barras bravas have developed reputations forhooliganism . The term originated inArgentina in the 50s and 60s, but it has spread throughout the Americas. In Brazil, the organized "torcida" plays a similar role and in Mexico both the term barras and porras are used.Groups
* " [http://www.diabolicos.com.ar/diablosrojos.php Los diablos rojos] " (
Club Atlético Independiente )
* " [http://www.lamitadmas1.com.ar/La12 La 12] " (Club Atlético Boca Juniors )
* " [http://www.lbdt.com.ar/ Los borrachos del tablón] " (Club Atlético River Plate )
* [http://www.barra-bravas.com.ar Information on all the barras bravas of the argentinian soccer.]
* " [http://www.soydebanfield.com.ar/LaBandadelSur.html La Banda del Sur] " (Club Atlético Banfield )Bolivia
* La Gloriosa Ultra Sur 34 (
The Strongest )
* " [http://www.chiflados.tk/] Los Chiflados" (Club Blooming )Brazil
Geral do Gremio (Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense )*
Guarda Popular do Internacional (Sport Club Internacional )*
Mancha Alvi-Verde (Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras )Chile
*" [http://www.dalealbo.cl La Garra Blanca] " (
Colo-Colo )
*" [http://www.barraloscruzados.com/ Los Cruzados] " (Universidad Católica)
*" [http://www.losdeabajo.cl/ Los de Abajo] " (Universidad de Chile)Costa Rica
* " [http://www.zona12.com/ La 12] " (
LD Alajuelense )
* " [http://www.garraherediana.net/ Garra Herediano] " (CS Herediano)
* " [http://www.sapriforo.com Ultra Morada] " (Saprissa )Ecuador
Liga Deportiva Universitaria [http://www.muerteblanca.com.ec "Muerte Blanca"]
*Emelec [http://www.labocadelpozo.com "La Boca del Pozo"]Guatemala
* " [http://www.naiconroja.com/ Trinchera Escaldada] " (
CSD Municipal )[http://vltrasvr.net/ Vltra SvR] (
CSD Comunicaciones )Panama
* " [http://www.ultraroja.com/ Ultra Roja] "
San Francisco Honduras
* " [http://hispanofc.blogspot.com/2007/08/la-12.html La 12 Comayaüense] " (
Hispano FC )
* " [http://www.furiaverde.com// Furia Verde] " (CD Marathón)
* " [http://www.larevo1928.com// Los Revolucionarios 1928] " (CD Motagua)
* " [http://www.lamacroazurra.com// La Macro Azurra] " (CD Motagua)
* " [http://www.ultrafiel.net/ La Ultra Fiel] " (CD Olimpia )
* "Los Desamparados" (CD Platense)
* " [http://www.comando12.com/ Comando 12] " (Real España )
* "Jaibas Bravas" (CD Victoria)
* "Los Cocoteros" (CDS Vida)Peru
* " [http://www.comandosvr.com/ Comando Sur] " (
Alianza Lima )
* " [http://www.extremoceleste.com/ Extremo Celeste] " (Sporting Cristal )
* " [http://www.trincheranorte.com// Trinchera Norte] " (Universitario de Deportes )
* La 31 (Universitario de Deportes )
* Infierno Rojinegro (FBC Melgar )
* León del Sur (FBC Melgar )México
* " [http://www.lamonumental.net/ La Monumental] " (
Club America )*
* " [http://www.laadiccion.net/ La Adicción] " (CF Monterrey
* " [http://www.ri77ualdelkaoz.org/ Ri77ual del Kaoz] " (Club America )
* " [http://www.paginasprodigy.com/eldisturbio/ El Disturbio] " (Club America )
* " [La Rebel] " (Pumas UNAM )
* " [http://barra51.com.mx/ Barra 51] " (Club Atlas)
* " [http://www.resistencia.com.mx/ La Resistencia] " (Querétaro FC )
* " [http://www.libresylokos.net/main.php Libres y Lokos] " (Tigres)United States/Canada
* "
La Barra Brava " (DC United )
* " [http://www.elbatallon.com/ El Batallon] " (Houston Dynamo )
* " [http://www.angelcitybrigade.com/ Angel City Brigade] " (Los Angeles Galaxy )
* " [http://www.UNIONULTRAS.com/ UNION UL7RAS] " (Club Deportivo Chivas USA )
* " [http://www.legiontx.com/ La Legion TX] " (Club Deportivo Chivas USA/Club Deportivo Guadalajara )
* " [http://www.section8chicago.com/ Section 8] " (Chicago Fire)
* " [http://www.redpatchboys.ca Red patch boys] " (Toronto FC)
* " [http://www.usector.ca/ U-Sector] " (Toronto FC)
* " [http://www.Sao0oFighters.com] " (New York Redbulls)
* " [http://www.crewunion.com/ Crew Union] " (Columbus Crew )
* "La Turbina" (Columbus Crew )Venezuela
* " [http://www.lamafiaroja.com/ La Mafia Roja] " (
Unión Lara )Colombia
* " [http://www.network54.com/Forum/149568/ Comandos Azules Distrito Capital - CADC] " (
Club Deportivo Los Millonarios )
* " [http://groups.msn.com/LAGUARDIAALBIROJASUR/paginasalbirojas.msnw/ La Guardia Albi-Roja Sur] " (Independiente Santa Fe )
* " [http://www.losdelsur.net] " (Atletico Nacional )External link
* [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122169746081650331.html Article] in
Wall Street Journal .
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