Bad Liebenwerda

Bad Liebenwerda

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen Bad Liebenwerda.pngimage_photo = Schlossstrasse bad Liebenwerda.jpg
image_caption = The Luwarttower of Bad Liebenwerda
lat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 31 |lat_sec = 0
lon_deg = 13 |lon_min = 24 |lon_sec = 0
Lageplan = Bad Liebenwerda in EE.pngBundesland = Brandenburg
Landkreis = Elbe-Elster
Höhe = 86
Fläche = 138.41
Einwohner = 10573
pop_ref = [ [ Homepage der Stadt Bad Liebenwerda ] ]
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 04924
Vorwahl = 035341
PLZ-alt = 7950
Kfz = EE
Gemeindeschlüssel = 12 0 62 024
Adresse = Postfach 1153
04924 Bad Liebenwerda
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Thomas Richter
Bürgermeistertitel = Bürgermeister
Partei = CDU

Bad Liebenwerda is a spa town in the Elbe-Elster district, in southwestern Brandenburg, Germany. It is situated on the river Schwarze Elster, 57 km northwest of Dresden, and 28 km east of Torgau.


The first written mention is from 1231 as "Lievenwerde". The meaning of the name is "Liev", or "Lieb" for life or loveley, and -"werde" from "werda" means island, high place in a wather. In the document of 1231 is also mentioned an Otto of Ileburg, Vogt of Lievenwerde, and a Plebanus Walterus, a priest. Liebenwerda had a Water castle with a Keep called Lubwarttower. the first mention as Liebenwerda as a city is from 1304. Liebenwerda was part of the Electorate of Saxony and Kingdom of Saxony till 1815. In reason of the Congress of Vienna the area became part of the Kingdom of Prussia as district Liebenwerda. Since 1905 has Liebenwerda a spa clinical, since 1925 has Liebenwerda the word "Bad" as a part of the name.

Culture and architecture

Bad Liebenwerda is home of the Gothic church of St. Nikolai. The tower of the church was rebuilt at the end of the 19th century after lightning struck the tower and caused a fire.The Lubwarttower (Lubwartturm) is the oldest building in town. The tower was built around 1207 as part of the water castle. Next to this tower is the museum with an exposition about Carl Heinrich Graun and his brothers. Also is there an exposition about Marionettes, other puppets and the puppet-players of south-east of Germany. Bad Liebenwerda has a beautiful little park.


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