Kidney dish

Kidney dish

A kidney dish is a renaiform bowl used in medical and surgical wards to receive soiled dressings and other medical waste. Reusable dishes are usually made from bright stainless steel, while disposable ones may be made from paper pulp or plastic. The shape of the dish allows it to be held against the patient's body to catch any falling fluids or debris.

Now the molded pulp kidney dish is replacing the stainless dish because pulp products can decrease the cross-communicated disease.

Generally,the volume of pulp kidney dish( vomit dish)is 700 ml.The size--length :25cm-26 cm ;Width 11 cm.Every year more than 100 Million pulp kidney dishes are used in Hospital and family.

External link

* [ St. John Ambulance product page with photo]

* [ pulp kidney dish]

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