Ton Nom

Ton Nom

Ton Nom (English translation: "Your Name") was the Belgian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1962, performed in French by Fud Leclerc.
The song was performed second on the night (following Finland's Marion Rung with Tipi-Tii and preceding Spain's Víctor Balaguer with Llámame). At the close of voting, it had received the dreaded "nul points" placing 13th (equal last) in a field of 16.

The song is significant in Contest history for being the first entry ever to fail to receive a point (although the scores of the 1956 Contest have never been made public, so it is possible that one of the entries there did likewise). There were in fact four entries at this Contest to receive "nul points" - the Spanish entry, Austria's Eleonore Schwarz with Nur In Der Wiener Luft and the Netherlands' De Spelbrekers with Katinka being the other three - however Belgium performed first out of all of them, and is thus better-remembered. In fact, three of these entries followed each other directly (Belgium, Spain and Austria).

The song itself is a ballad, with Leclerc singing that he and his lover "don't need complicated romances".

It was succeeded as Belgian representative at the 1963 Contest by Jacques Raymond singing Waarom.

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