Władysław Łoziński

Władysław Łoziński

Władysław Łoziński also known as 'Wojtek ze Smolnicy and Władysław Lubicz' (1843-1914) was a Polish writer, historian and art collector, known for his books about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


Born on 29 May 1843 in Opary near Sambór. Brother of Walery Łoziński, also a writer. He studied philosophy at the University of Lwów, and was an editor of many Galician newspapers and magazines (Dziennik Literacki, Przegląd Powszechny, Gwiazdka Cieszyńska), and especially the Gazeta Lwowska which he reformed and expanded. He was the first secretary of the Ossolineum Fundation, vice-president of the Historical Institute (Towarzystwo Historyczne), president of the Society of Friends of Arts (Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Sztuk Pięknych) and from 1891 a member of the Academy of Skills (Akademia Umiejętności, a precursor of the Polish Academy of Learning). He was also a deputy from Galicia to the Austria-Hungary National Council in Vienna and later a member of the Lord's Chamber.

He died on 20 May 1914 in Lwów and buried at Lychakivskiy Cemetery.


Łoziński was the author of both fictional, historical novels and more academic studies. His interested centered around the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

* Oko proroka (Eye of the prophet) (1899)

Historical texts:
* Prawem i lewem. Obyczaje na Czerwonej Rusi w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku. (Right and wrong. The customs of Red Ruthenia in the first half of the 17th century) (1903)
* Życie polskie w dawnych wiekach (Life in Poland in old times) (1907)


*Polish|Władysław Łoziński|20 June 2006

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