Vittorio Catani

Vittorio Catani

Vittorio Catani (1940, Bari, Italy) is an Italian science fiction writer. He currently lives and works in Bari, Italy. A retired bank clerk, he started publishing essays and fiction in 1962, especially within the fantasy and science fiction genres.

He has been published in most major newspapers and magazines, and his works have been translated in a number of European countries. He contributes to the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", the environmental quarterly "Villaggio Globale", and is one of the editors of "Delos".

Main Works

*"L'eternità e i mostri" (1972, short stories collection, CELT)
*"Il gioco dei mondi" (1985, essay on science fiction, Dedalo)
*"Gli universi di Moras" (1990, novel, winner of Urania Magazine's first Premio Urania, Mondadori)
*"I guastatori dell'Eden" (1993, novel, Liguori)
*"Replay di un amore" (1994, novel, Schena)
*"Cronache dal futuro" (1995, a boy's guide to Italian fantasy fiction, Milella 1995)
*"Tra cielo e Terra" (1998, short stories collection, Ed. Oceano)
*"Accadde... domani" (2001, short stories and vignettes collection, Besa).

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