Julio Victor Ramirez, Jr.

Julio Victor Ramirez, Jr.

Julio Víctor Ramírez, hijo (born 1965) is a freelance Puerto Rican investigative reporter, raised in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. He is better known for joining, and later being controversially dismissed from, La Comay, program in 2006 as a paparazzo and interviewer.

As of August 2008 Ramírez is the host of "LO MAS CALIENTE" a program aired by Red 96.5 FM, the first news station in the FM radio band in Puerto Rico, while also working as a news reporter for the station.

Ramírez was the host of NOTIUNO 630 radio news network morning show "Notiuno en la Mañana" and the afternoon summary "Desde La Redacción". With NOTIUNO, Ramírez, hijo's work was known for his accuracy, speed in coverage, and valor in dangerous situations.

Julio's father, Julio Víctor Ramírez, was a famous newspaper reporter of western Puerto Rico news and a radio and television producer for over forty years. Father and son often did television broadcasts together, when Julio Jr. was as young as eleven. Eventually Julio Jr. became a radio and television reporter for local media in Mayagüez, Aguadilla and San Germán, and later appeared in various news broadcasts. He became the Mayagüez news reporter for WKAQ-AM in San Juan for many years, as well as the local bureau chief for The San Juan Star and a color news reporter for X-100, an FM radio station based in Bayamon.

Julio is also known for having exclusive rights to divulge the Premios DUH!, a satirical series of awards parodying Puerto Rican celebrities and odd news every December 28 - the Latin American equivalent of April Fool's Day (or the closest weekday if the date falls on a weekend).

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