Oj Hrvatska mati

Oj Hrvatska mati

"Oj Hrvatska mati" (lit. "Oh Croatia Our Mother") is a Croatian patriotic song.

It is often referred to as "Zovi, samo zovi" (the first line of the chorus)


Croatian English translation

Oj Hrvatska mati, nemoj tugovati. (2x)

Zovi, samo zovi
Svi će sokolovi
Za te život dati!

Srijem, Banat i Bačka, tri srca junačka! (2x)

chorus (2x)

Herceg-Bosna, Lika, to je naša dika! (2x)

chorus (2x)

Dalma, Kvarner, Istra, slobodno nek blista! (2x)

chorus (2x)
Za mir, za slobodu,
Hrvatskom narodu,
Život ćemo dati!

Oh Croatia our mother, do not grieve. (2x)

Call, just call
All the falcons will
Give their life for you!

Srijem, Banat and Bačka, three heroic hearts! (2x)

chorus (2x)

Herzeg-Bosnia, Lika, that's our pride! (2x)

chorus (2x)

Dalmatia, Kvarner, Istria, let them shine in freedom! (2x)

chorus (2x)
For peace, for freedom,
Of the Croatian people,
We will give our lives!

External links

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