Slylock Fox

Slylock Fox

Infobox comic strip
title= Slylock Fox

author= Bob Weber, Jr.
syndicate= King Features Syndicate
preceded by=
followed by=

Slylock Fox is the star of "Slylock Fox & Comics For Kids", a comic strip published by King Features Syndicate. Slylock first appeared in 27 March 1987. He was created by Bob Weber Jr., who still writes and illustrates the comic today. [cite web|url=|title=Don Markstein's Toonopedia: Slylock Fox & Comics.|accessdate=June 19|accessyear=2006] . Weber is the son of Bob Weber, Sr., who writes the "Moose & Molly" comic strip. As its name implies, it is intended for young children. According to the official website, "Slylock Fox & Comics For Kids" appears weekly in newspapers with a combined readership of over 30 million.cite web|url=|title=Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids official website.|accessdate=June 19|accessyear=2006] .

Unlike many other syndicated comic strips, "Slylock Fox & Comics For Kids" usually consists of only a single panel. Slylock, an anthropomorphic fox detective, is constantly matching wits against his mustached nemesis, Count Weirdly, as well as several other criminals such as Shady Shrew and Slick Smitty. There is no dialog spoken by the characters. Instead, an omniscient narrator informs the reader of a problem Slylock must solve. These often include escaping from a dungeon, locating stolen goods, or proving conclusively who perpetrated a crime (usually Count Weirdly). The solution is printed upside down.

Slylock is assisted by a sidekick, Max Mouse. Max wears pink shorts and a matching hat. Unlike real mice, he is yellow.

A varied cast of witnesses, victims, policemen and criminals fill in the rest of Slylock's world. These characters' names usually contain either some form of alliteration, a type of animal, a profession, or a personality trait. This allows Weber to quickly establish a scene and set up a mystery using very little space. Some notable examples include Deputy Duck, Roxy Rabbit, and Shady Shrew. Most of these characters are seen once and never again.

Slylock's name is likely an homage to the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. Like Sherlock, Slylock is traditionally depicted with a magnifying glass and deerstalker hat.

Slylock does not always appear in the comic. Often in his place there will be a mixed bag of puzzles, jokes, simple illustration tutorials, or other fun activities. The Sunday edition always features both Slylock and the activities.

The official "Slylock Fox & Comics For Kids" website features many additional Slylock mysteries that have never been printed, in addition to other activities. The site was voted an "Educational Best Bet" by USA Today and received an award for "Best of the Net" from in April of 1999cite web|url=|title=Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids official website.|accessdate=June 19|accessyear=2006] .

Main Characters

*Slylock Fox, a fox detective
*Max Mouse, a sidekick mouse
*Chief Mutt and Deputy Duck, a bulldog and duck
*Slick Smitty
*Cassandra Cat
*Tiffany Fox and Melody Mouse
*Count Weirdly, the most often-featured criminal
*Shady Shrew
*Harry Ape
*Reeky Rat
*Wanda Witch

Other Characters

*Aaron Aardvark
*Al Gator
*Andy Anteater
*Barbara Beaver
*Basher Bull
*Baxter Bat
*Benny Beaver
*Betty Bear
*Betty Bunny
*Big Brad Wolf
*Billy Beaver
*Bobby Beaver
*Bonnie Baboon
*Boston Border Collie
*Bradford Bloodhound
*Brandon Beaver
*Bridget Badger
*Bruce Bison
*Bruno Bear
*Bucky Beaver
*Buford Bear
*Buford Bull
*Buford Bullfrog
*Candy Canary
*Carl Cardinal
*Carl Cat
*Carly Cat
*Cartick Cat
*Cartney Chihuahua
*Charlie Chimp
*Charlie Chipmunk
*Chass Cat
*Chessy Clown
*Chester Chick & Mrs Chicken
*Chynita Cat
*Chris Cat
*Cliff Cat
*Collin Collie
*Collette Cougar
*Daisy Dog
*Dalfa Duck
*Dan Dog
*David Gazelleoff
*David Leopardman
*Deena Duck
*Derek Deer
*Diana Dog
*Dinky Dog
*Dippy Duck
*Dirty Dog
*Don Dove
*Donald Dane
*Donald Dolphin
*Donald Donkey
*Donald Duck
*Doris Dolphin
*Dumpty Dog
*Earl Elephant
*Eddie Echinda
*Edward Eagle
*Emo Elephant
*Frank Flamingo
*Fred Flamingo
*Gary Gazelle
*Gary Giraffe
*Gilbert Gator
*Gordon Goose
*Grandpa Goat
*Granny Squirrel
*Greg Greyhound
*Hank Hawk
*Harry Hedgehog
*Henry Hippo
*Henry Hog
*Herman Heron
*Holly Hippo
*Horaco Hippo
*Katrina Kat
*Kenny Kangaroo
*Keesha Kat
*Kopy Kat (also Koppy Kat)
*Lady Lynx
*Larry Lemur
*Liam Llama
*Liam Lion
*Leena Lynx
*Lenny Lemming
*Li'l Ferret
*Lizzie Lizard
*Lotta Hippo
*Mandy Mink
*Manny Monkey
*Margaret Mongoose
*Martin Mandarin Duck
*Marvin Mandrill
*Melanie Mouse
*Montgomery Mongoose
*Morris Musk ox
*Mr. Lion
*Mr. Duck
*Mr. Goat
*Mrs. Elephant
*Mrs. Bear
*Mrs. Duck
*Mrs. Beaver
*Mrs. Poodle
*Mrs. Rabbit
*Mrs. Turtle
*Nana Goat
*Nathan Narwhal
*Olson Owl
*Ogden Orca
*Oswald Ostrich
*Patty Possum
*Patterson Puffin
*Patrick Panda
*Paul Panther
*Penfold Pelican
*Penrod Penguin
*Penny Peacock
*Polly Poodle
*Polly Pachyderm
*Prairie Dog Brothers
*Rachel Rabbit
*Rat (from Pearls Before Swine)
*Robert Raccoon
*Robert Rabbit
*Rodney Rabbit
*Rodney Rat
*Roger Raccoon
*Ronny Rabbit
*Roseanne Boar
*Roxy Rabbit
*Sally Swallow
*Santa Claus
*Sam Shepherd
*Samoyedhung Kimpo
*Sheldon Sheepdog
*Snarling Simian
*Spanky Skunk
*Stephen Sloth
*Stephanie Spaniel
*Sir Hound
*Stewey Stork
*Steve Stoat
*Sylvester Seal
*Terry Turtle
*Terry Tasmanian Devil
*Terry Terrier
*Thompson Thylacine
*Toby Turtle
*Tompkin Tapir
*Unnamed Cat
*Unnamed Dog
*Unnamed Stork
*Unnamed Raccoon
*Wanda Weasel
*Wally Whale
*Wayne Gander
*Wendy Weasel
*Wilbur Walrus
*Willie Weasel
*Willie Wolverine
*Vic Vicuna


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