Johann Wilhelm von Archenholz

Johann Wilhelm von Archenholz

Johann Wilhelm Archenholz (1741–1812), born in Langfuhr (Wrzeszcz) near Danzig (Gdańsk), was a Prussiancite journal
quotes =
author = Hans Kohn
year = 1951
month = April
title = The Eve of German Nationalism (1789-1812)
journal = Journal of the History of Ideas
volume = 12
issue = 2
pages = 256284
doi = 10.2307/2707517
] cite book
first= James
title= Crowded with Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment: Edinburgh's Moment of the Mind
format= Hardcover
date= December 1, 2003
year= 2003
month= December
publisher= HarperCollins Publishers
language= English
id= ISBN 0-06-055888-1
pages= 448
quote =
] cite journal
quotes =
author = Robert Shoemaker
year = 2001
month = May
title = Male honour and the decline of public violence in eighteenth-century London
journal = Social History
volume = 26
issue = 2
pages = 190208
doi = 10.1080/03071020110041352
] cite journal
quotes =
author = James Schmidt
year = 1998
month = February
title = Cabbage Heads and Gulps of Water: Hegel on the Terror
journal = Political Theory
volume = 26
issue = 1
pages = 432
doi = 10.1177/0090591798026001002
] cite journal
quotes =
author = Marcia Pointon
year = 2001
month = March
title = "Surrounded with Brilliants": Miniature Portraits in Eighteenth-Century England
journal = Art Bulletin
volume = 83
issue = 1
pages = 4871
doi = 10.2307/3177190
] Professor of History and a publicist. His book about the history of the Seven Years of Silesian War (1756-63) was the basis for many reprints, as well as for school books. Archenholz commissioned a Berlin artist, Johann Friedrich Bolt, to produce a copper etching for Archenholz's History of Gustav Vasa of the famous Swedish Nobility.


* "Annalen der britischen Geschichte: d. Jahrs ..." (1.1789 - 20.1800). Olms, Hildesheim 1997 (Reprint of the Tübingen edition from 17901800)
* "Die Engländer in Indien." Dyk, Leipzig 1.17863.1788
* "England und Italien." Winter, Heidelberg 1993, ISBN 3-8253-0110-9 (Volume 13, Reprint of the Leipzig edition from 1785)
* "Gemälde der preussischen Armee vor und in dem siebenjährigen Kriege." Saur, Munich 1990 (Reprint of the Berlin edition 1791)
* "Geschichte der Flibustier." Edition Fumfei, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-86172-008-6 (Reprint of the Tübingen edition 1803)
* "Geschichte Gustavs Wasa, König von Schweden." Saur, Munich 1990/94 (Reprint of the Tübingen edition from 1801)
* "Geschichte der Verschwörung des Fiesco i.J. 1547." s. n., Berlin 1791
* "Geschichte des Papstes Sixtus V." s. n., Berlin 1791
* "Geschichte des siebenjährigen Krieges in Deutschland von 1756 bis 1763." Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück 1982, ISBN 3-7648-1203-6 (Reprint of the Karlsruhe edition from 1791)
* "Historische Bemerkungen über die große sittliche Revolution im 16. Jahrhundert." s. n., Berlin 1791
* "Historisches Taschenbuch für Damen." Saur, München 1990/1994 (Reprint of the Berlin edition from 1791)
* "Kleine historische Schiften." Schmieder, Karlsruhe 1791
* "Krieg in der Vendée." Dyk, Leipzig 1794 (Band 12)
* "Litteratur und Völkerkunde." Göschen, Leipzig 1.17825.1786
* "Die Pariser Jacobiner in ihren Sitzungen." Saur, Munich 1991 (Reprint of the Hamburg edition from 1793)
* "Minerva - Ein Journal historischen und politischen Inhalts", Hamburg 1792 - 1856
* "Miscellen zur Geschichte des Tages." Scriptor-Verlag, Kronberg im Taunus 1979 (Reprint of the Hamburg edition from 1795)
* "Neue Litteratur und Völkerkunde." Olms, Hildesheim 1997 (Reprint of the Leipzig edition from 1.1787 to 5.1791)
* "Rom und Neapel." Manutius-Verlag, Heidelberg 1990 (Reprint of the Leipzig edition from 1790)


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