- Gilded Lily
Superherobox| image
character_name=Gilded Lily
real_name=Lillian von Loont
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Alpha Flight" #20
creators=John Byrne
powers=Wide array of alchemical weaponry. Immortality.|Gilded Lily (Lillian von Loont) is a
fiction alsupervillain featured in theMarvel Comics series "Alpha Flight ".Fictional character biography
Gilded Lily was an alchemist of great talent and a student of Diablo. Lily was initially seen to be a woman in a
gold enmask , golden gloves, and a fur coat that covered her slender body to her feet. She had lived for an inordinate length of time, her makeup (on her mask) and hair were very much in the style of the 1920s particularlyLouise Brooks .Visited by her "nephew" Walter Langkowski (Lily was unlikely to be an actual aunt due to her age), Gilded Lily intended to turn Walter to gold. She had done this with a great many men in the past; somehow their conversion to gold allowed her to add their life energy to her own, in effect achieving
immortality . Foiled by Aurora, Lily's mask was removed in the ensuing struggle. Her mask was seemingly what was keeping her alive, on its removal, Aurora was shocked to see Lily's withered face. Lily's fur coat came undone revealing that Lily's body had been replaced with a very basic metal frame with arms, and in place of legs she had wheels, much like aSegway HT . Soon after the mask's removal, Lily died. ["Alpha Flight" #20-21 by John Byrne (March-April 1985)]Her mansion became the base of operations for Alpha Flight, but in time it was shown that though her body had been destroyed, her spirit continued to surive, eventually merging with Mansion Alpha. She came to consciousness and realized what had happened to her house ["Alpha Flight" Annual #1 by Bill Mantlo & Larry Stroman (1986)] , using its facilities to strike back against Alpha in revenge. She could only manifest as "alchemical mists," so she used her electrical alchemy to summon Diablo from a New York penetentiary, forcing him to create a potion that would allow her to possess the body of Aurora. Aurora, however, was able to grab the potion herself and force Lily to take it, which cancelled out the potion Lily was using to sustain her own life, killing her.
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