Brownout — [dt. »Ausbräunen«] der, ein vorübergehender Spannungsabfall, der bei Computern und anderen empfindlichen Geräten zu Schäden führen kann. Hinweise auf einen Brownout sind ein kleiner, dunkler und etwas schwankender Anzeigebereich auf dem… … Universal-Lexikon
brownout — UK US /ˈbraʊnaʊt/ noun [C] NATURAL RESOURCES ► a period of time when the electricity supply is not strong enough to supply all the power that is needed: »The cafe was without lights because of a brownout. »Maryland faces potential brownouts… … Financial and business terms
brownout — rown out n. 1. darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft). Syn: blackout, dimout. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a partial reduction in the amount of electric power available to customers in a region, such as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brownout — (zu Deutsch: „Verminderte Lichtstärke“ bzw. „Abdunkelung“) ist ein aus dem Englischen stammender Begriff und bezeichnet: in Stromversorgungsnetzen einen kurzzeitigen Spannungseinbruch und eine mögliche Vorstufe eines Stromausfalls ein Absinken… … Deutsch Wikipedia
brownout — [broun′out΄] n. a dimming or partial elimination of lights in a city, as during an electric power shortage … English World dictionary
brownout — noun a) Temporary dimming of vision, usually with a brown hue and accompanied by loss of peripheral vision or tunnel vision. On rising suddenly from her chair she experienced a brownout and had to sit down again quickly … Wiktionary
brownout — UK [ˈbraʊnaʊt] / US [ˈbraʊnˌaʊt] noun [countable] Word forms brownout : singular brownout plural brownouts American a temporary reduction of electric power in an area See: blackout 3) … English dictionary
brownout — n. a reduced level of electrical power. Another brownout? Now I can barely see anything … English slang
Brownout (aviation) — In aviation, a brownout (or brown out ) is an in flight visibility restriction due to dust or sand in the air.cite book publisher = National Transportation Safety Board title = Special Investigation Report on Emergency Medical Services Operations … Wikipedia
Brownout (medical) — A brownout, or grey out, is a transient loss of vision characterised by a perceived dimming of light accompanied by a brown hue and a loss of peripheral vision.Fact|date=February 2007 It is a precursor to fainting or a blackout and is caused by… … Wikipedia