- 172
By Place
Roman Empire
Marcus Aurelius , as part of the pact signed with theMarcomanni , imports them to occupy areas of the empire that had been depopulated by the plague.
* TheSarmatians attack the lowerDanube frontier.
*June 11 - Miracle inMoravia : As the Roman army is encircled by theQuadi under intense heat, a violent thunderstorm sweeps away the Quadi in a torrent of water and mud, and refreshes the parched legionnaires.Asia
* Last (5th) year of "Jianning" era and start of "Xiping" era of the Chinese
Han Dynasty .By Topic
Tatian produces hisDiatessaron , a harmony of the fourgospels .
*Montanism spreads through the empire.Births
Ke Bineng ,Xianbei chieftain (d.235 )
*Lu Su (d.217 )
* Philostratus II the Athenian, Greeksophist (approximate date)
*Zang Ba , general ofTao Qian ,Lu Bu , andCao Cao Deaths
Empress Dou Miao of theHan Dynasty ofChina
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