Java XML

Java XML

The Java programming language XML APIs from Sun Microsystems consist of the following separate programming APIs:
* Java API for XML Processing, or JAXP.
* Java API for XML Messaging, or JAXM.
* Java API for XML-based RPC, or JAX-RPC.
* Java API for XML Registries, or JAXR.
* Java Architecture for XML Binding, or JAXB. – (this is its official Sun name, even though it is an API, see [] )

Only the Java API for XML Processing is a required API in Enterprise Java Beans Specification 1.3.

A number of different software packages implement these APIs including:
* Xerces – One of the original and still (in 2002) most popular SAX and DOM parser.
* Crimson XML – A faster SAX and DOM parser.
* Xalan – The original and still (in 2002) most popular XSLT/XPath implementations.
* Sparta XML – A fast and small SAX and DOM parser that also includes an XPath subset.

External links

* [ Java technology for XML] - Sun's page.
* [ StelsXML JDBC driver] - JDBC driver for XML files.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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