

Lamido (plural Lamibe) is the Anglicisation of a term from the Fula language or Fulfulde, used to refer to a ruler. In the language it is properly "laamiiɗo" (pl. laamiiɓe), derived from the verbal root "laam-" meaning "to rule or to lead", and hence may be translated more specifically as "leader". It is commonly used to translate the concept of the Arabic title Emir, into Fulfulde. The title "Lamido" has been used by the traditional leaders of certain Islamic communities in West Africa, originally as head of (often vassal) states, nowadays persisting within post-colonial republics.

tates where the title lamido as such was used

"(list incomplete)"
Fulani Jihad states:
*Bauchi emirate, since its foundation in 1805

*Bibemi, since its 1770 foundation, until the higher Muslim title Sultan was assumed

Compound title

*Laamiiɗo julɓe 'Emir of the Muslims (lit. "those who pray")' was a title, alongside the proper Arabic "Amir al-Mu´minin" (which was maintained), of the Imam `Usuman dan Muhammad Fodio, the original leader of the largest of the Fula jihads (conquests by the Fula people in the name of spreading Islam) in Sokoto, the home state of the leader of the Fulbe jihad, whose heirs (since 1817) adopted the title Sarkin Musulmi and became known as Sultan of Sokoto, still considered the paramount ruler of traditional islamic people in (northern) Nigeria
*Baban-Lamido in Adamawa (now partially in Cameroon), since its foundation in 1809

ources and references

* [ WorldStatesmen- here Nigerian Traditional states]

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